Monday, May 14, 2012

Ruggin' At the Cat's Lug and Raveling a' Her Thrums

Food Network Beet Kitchen Towel
Editor Notes...First of all Saturday post- on the dishes I didn't get paid for that one.

Let start off with Mothers day on this post. Considering I know it could be somewhat a length post. More then one subject to talk about.

Celebrate Mothers day by seeing the movie dark shadow Sawyer gave us the cash so we could see the movie. So Murphy and I went to a afternoon showing down in Sandpoint.
This movie was alright it would have been better if it could stand on it own, but it was based from the Television show of dark shadow 
If you like a Romantic Comedy and I'm really picky on my romantic comedy. I wasn't all that impress with my “Big Fat Greek Wedding”
But as a satire comedy to me much better. Confession time...I like Satire humor. The movie was about one and half hours long, could easily be twice as long but it wasn't hardcore love story or horror flick. But as I said just above it need to be longer.
Consider the television dark shadow was made in mid 60's and went off the early 70's of course the special effects are much better. 
Now for the charter Barnabas Collins the vampire who is the best? It depend what your looking for in your vampire. Johnny Depp  took the resent roll of Barnabas Collins he was a fun loving and wanted to fit in to this time period.
Jonathan Frid  who was the original Barnabas Collins he did put a tinge of sexuality to the roll.
Both of these actor had Barnabas with feeling but Jonathon Frid played it more strongly.
Could they be sequel...I assume so maybe a more fitting title should be “Mr and Mrs Barnabas Collins”
After going to the theater I would of wait for it come out on DVD or blue ray.
Quenella stop over after the Church Service was finish. There an Orthodox church about a mile from my place.
We went to Moose farms it local greenhouse. Quenella picked a shell bird-bath and some bugs decoration. I got two pony pack of petunia, purple and yellow and they were giving away some pansy for the moms on mothers day.
Plus I also picked up a tomatillo to put out in the garden.
Then during the week Murphy and I got anther roll in garden done. This roll has He-shi-ko a type of bunching onions with some tang to it. Planted 2 types of Kale, and some carrots.
Then as I was at work Murphy put in some celery he didn't put that much effort in it and if it makes it makes it.
Transplanted the leeks out and put a short roll of lettuce in.
Looks like quite a bit of the garden is starting to show. We got a real nice germination on the beets, the short roll of lettuce also came up thick, long with the swiss chard.
We started in pots some Melon French Charentais like a small cantaloupe. Then started also in couple of pots spaghetti squash more in the line of smaller version.. 
Saw Both Boys on Mothers Day weekend. Like I said Sawyer came up earlier it was Friday when he stop in.
Bart had to work on Saturday but that evening he came up. Sawyer girl friend Betty hitched a ride with Bart.
If their smart they went straight to the mud bog. Statement time...plenty of drinking and plenty of cops out there waiting to nail someone.
Sawyer did sort of had a so call Mud Bogger but some part on the rear end broke.
So Sunday Bart stop in and left.
Then Sawyer and Betty stop by and got Boo, that's sawyer dog she went and rolled in cow shit as she was staying with us.
Confession time..I worry if I'll say or do something to ruin my son relationship with their female relationships.


  1. I like romantic comedy's, If you want to watch a good one that is somewhat different watch Finding Bliss.

    Don't worry about what you say to your sons gal friends, it's all a crap shoot anyway.

  2. Seems kind of funny to me to celebrate mother's day with a horror movie. I'm not a real big fan of the genre.

  3. I have never seen the TV program Dark Shadows, but I like Johnny Depp. And, you're the first one that I've visited who has seen the newly released movie!!! I think I'll wait until it comes to DVD and then, buy one from the rental after they put it out on the previewed shelves.

    Thanks for the review!! Much appreciated.

  4. Mother's day with a horror movie the best idea, lol !


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