Saturday, May 12, 2012

Weekend Photo Hunt (Children-Scoop)

To me it seem like Children of today is different then when I was a child. One thing I notice it seem like when I was younger I had chores that was expected of me. I got paid for some of them but others I didn't get paid.
One of my chores I did dinner dishes and clean up majority of the time.
Confession time...I once stuck dirty dishes in the oven so I could go out on a Friday evening. Never clicked with me at that time someone could possible open the oven and see those dirty dishes.

I talk to different people my own age about doing chores when they where younger. Statement time...I wasn't a servant to my parents. But some others felt like they where.
The simple way of putting it when I was doing some type of chores my parents wasn't sitting on there rear-ends but was also doing some type of projects or chore like things.

During last weekend photo hunt as Murphy and I was cleaning out the chimney it dawn on me what I could use for scoop.
Murphy went up on the roof and took a chimney brush to the chimney. I stayed down below and pulled on the twine with a weight on the end.
After a few times of pushing and pulling the brush though. I scooped out the soot.

Nest weekend photo hunt will be City Hall  and or Magical


  1. We need to clean our chimney too... great take on the theme, happy weekend!

    children ::: scoop

  2. Thats a funny story about the dirty dishes being hidden in the oven :) I think we all tried silly ways to get out of chores on occasion :) Thanks for the smile and coffee!

  3. I washed and dried a lot of dishes as a kid, and did a lot of other chores, and never got paid for any of them.

    My kids were lucky, we hardly ever had them do anything chore wise.

  4. LOL i can relate to your story about dirty dishes! i lost count of the tricks i pulled just to get away from washing the dishes. LOL my siblings and i were assigned house chores and washing dinner dishes was one of my assignments---i hated it! hahaha payment? that's unheard of in our home!:p

  5. I think that's the normal way of life. Our parents had another childhood as we had and now our grandchildren also have another one !

  6. As the eldest child and also a girl in our family, I was expected to do the chores around the house from the age of 10. I was never paid.


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