Monday, May 07, 2012

Not To Be Tossed

Just can't let Murphette be out on the street alone. She wants to move to a warmer area. I guess her finely destination will be Bakersfield.
But she had a dreadful childhood and it messed her up in so many ways.

When she was five or so she got hit by vehicle. Ended up being pin under the car and her mom just started to say something like “You did this on purpose” ended up in the hospital, with all sort of medical issue that she still carries to this day.
Statement time...She went and lived with her Nana because her mom didn't want to be bothered with a handicap or a disabled child...Her Nana loved her unconditional.
She started to walk but not a normal gate but she could be use as her mother personal servant. So she had to go back and live with her mom once again.

I won't list all the things she told me about her childhood, but I'll give you brief ideal what happen to her.

If she use to much ketchup her parents would stab her with a fork.
If she ask for something her parents would use a cigarette and burn her.
At time she got beaten so bad that she would pass out and then they threw water on her.
Never went to any of her programs, like concert or plays that she was in.
Made fun of her and use insulting terms with her.

The family moved a lot and or evicted a lot. They usually lived 3 months at place paid all the expense to move in and never paid the rent so in about 3 months they would be moving again.
Or if the abuse was to bad they would move into a different area. Sometime they would put Murphette under a different at this way the parents wouldn't be charged with in type of child abuse.

Plus her ex-husbands treated her badly as her parents did.

She said she is going to stay with us for about 2 weeks. I'll see. But if she is toss out on the street someone will take advantage of her, as before.
I can't collected my pay for being her caregiver, a state thing. But I've talk to my friend Alice and she does the same thing as I do. And is willing to come in.
If she still living with us as of September 1st she will have to pay us $250 a month to stay here.
Not sure if her plans will totally work out. But this way she will able to keep her needed service. There is anther set of subsidize apartment power include her cost would be about $233 a month. That she could move in to.
I know she doesn't quite get $700 month combine checks, S.S.I and S.S.D

Confession time...I'm not much on most people...Statement time...I know, I wonder about my self...lets just leave it at that....The way some people makes their decisions I just can't believe it.

Let just say she didn't get out of dodge and move into a subsidize apartment. Alice would have to continue helping her for quite a while because Idaho is pretty strict about paying family and friends help the disable or handicap.
I would guess it would be a good 6 month before I could even become her caregiver again.

Then on the other hand if she leaves dodge she will have record of her care-giving services and will be easier for her to apply in that state.
Statement time... Here in Idaho if one doesn't use there care service in a 30 day period you will loose your benefits.

Statement time...After talking to my supervisor finding out what is what. One thing she will need to sign a lease agreement.

Statement time...As much as she been though it surprising she function as well as she does, that she isn't stand on some street corner singing “Camp Town Races” or “Home On the Range”

I just couldn't toss her out without it bothering me or not offering a helping hand. It would be bothering my psyche if I did.

1 comment:

  1. You may find her difficult to live with, and a user of others, but only time will tell.

    Here there are housing projects for people like her and the rent is based on income so her rent and utilities would likely only be about two hundred dollars a month.

    Bakersfield is so-so, damn sure warmer. Damn site better place to go than Barstow if you want to be warmer. But in the end she may never be okay with anywhere.


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