Friday, May 04, 2012

Weekend Photo Hunt (Advertising-Zap)

A friend of mine is trying to set up a place where people can come and get married 
Plus she is offering a peace garden for others to enjoy.
So different people been helping her with her web site, so it will be advertised.

Countless time I've been zap an electric fence. The worst zap I got when I was moving irrigation pipe in a horse wet horse pasture and I accidentally hit the hot fence with metal pipe.
Statement time...It hurt like hell...After that I learn to turn off the fence so I would get ZAP.

Next weekend photo hunt theme will be children and or scoop 

Confession time...the picture for advertised I didn't take but have taken pictures of her place.


  1. A peace garden sounds Divine and a good place to visit when zapped.

    Here are my entries
    Advertising and Zap

  2. Anonymous9:16 PM

    what a divine spot. great job in combining the two themes to day.

  3. Now you made me curious, what is on the advertising picture that you don't put it in your post ?

  4. Nice photos! The Peace Garden sounds wonderful! :)

  5. A wonderful project and great take on the theme! I also looked in my archives...
    Happy weekend!
    advertising ~zap

  6. a Peace Garden sounds perfect!

  7. Anonymous3:53 AM

    I can imagine that would hurt a lot - OUCH!

    no wonder they work so well. :-)

  8. Yup, getting zapped by an electric fence is no fun. No big deal turning it off for a bit, the critters have learned to stay away from it anyway.

    I performed quite a few weddings for a few years, I'm fond of saying that three out of five failed. LOL

  9. Ha~ I hadn't thought of an electric fence. That does zap!

    What can you 'scoop' up next weekend?

  10. such a beautiful and peaceful garden. getting zapped by the fence must have been a terrifying experience.

  11. Hi Dora, your friend's garden is very beautiful. And ouch on the being zapped by your electric fence.

    Wonderful photos and great takes on the two themes for this week. Have a wonderful evening.

  12. You're lucky you weren't badly hurt by the fence. The peace garden/wedding place looks very nice.

  13. Ouch! Luckily there is no electrical fence in my neighbourhood. I wouldn't want to be zapped. :P

  14. Electric fences pulsate but years ago I touched one that didn't and let me tell you that one like that is damn hard to get away from.


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