Friday, February 03, 2012

Weather Report for Jan 2012 and other Stuff.

Warmest day in Jan was on the 4th at 53.8(12.1)
Coldest day in Jan was on the 11th & 12th at 4.8(-15.1)
Average high for the month was 33.7(0.9)
Average low for the month was 16.4(-8.6)
Snowfall for the month was 13 inches (33.6cm)
There was 21 days that it was below 19 (7.2) degrees 
A brief run down on January bills.

We're hooked up to northern lights We use 512 KWH from November 20th to December 20th. Cost per Kilo watt hour is 0.063600 which ran us $32.56 but there a coop charge of a $25. So actual we would need to pay $57.56.
We qualify for energy assistance and we got $373.00 but they took off $57.56 which leave a credit of $315.44

Every one here for there basic land line uses frontier and our base bill is $17.36. For a long distant carrier I choose credo they support most cause I believe in. My bill from them was $13.00.
So together it ran $30.36

$41.00 is our flat rate for our water. I couldn't find a web site for the water company, cabinet mountain water dist.
There wasn't much info on the bill. What I heard they don't read the meters in the winter time.

I was going to say this is our last regular bill but that's not true. This month Avista bill was $10.56

I have flat fee for internet hook up for $9.95 a month. Which is net zero 
Our Microwave bit the dust. So I got anther one for $119.99

Now for a little more expenditures out of the pocket. Doctor office of $114.00. But I use the clinic here and there on a sliding scale. Our income drop and that will be re-just or credit.

Fuel for my car $43.72 a month.

Misc needs and wants $50.58. Things like postage stamps, meds, and star bucks.

Now for food we spend $196.41. I didn't add the 30th and 31st of the month to this. But I would guess on low end our food bill would be $175 then on the high end it would be $225

So it looks like for the month of January we spend $616.57
Confession time...I didn't keep track of what I set aside for insurances and taxes. 


Looks like our income for the month of January was $649.68 The beginning of January balance in check book was $693 end of January $396
but the bank says I have more.
Editors note...In my last blog  post I figure in the unemployment which I thought my hubby would be receiving.

I would like to get complete out of the home-care system. The people don't drive me nut but it's how it sat up. Some big wig with no common sense sets up the rules how it is to operated. To put it on blank slate “How the big wigs got it going no wonder it drives the workers batty and they quit”

But in reality we need a monthly check...I still haven't forgot my ceramic goal for this year. It was quite simple one and here it is “I know things in the economy is tight. But I don't have much to invest for a ceramic business. But there two small area I would like to work towards sells. One is be able to take some finish ceramic pieces to the local farmer market in Bonners Ferry. Every other weekend starting last Saturday in April. It last til the first part of September
Then also try to get an esty page and see if a few ceramic pieces sell that way.
But I need to organize my molds and inventory. To see what I need things such as stoppers for salt and pepper shakers.”

Confession time...I haven't really done much toward this goal.

I know it cost a fee of $25 a year to be part of the (Bonners Ferry Farmers Market) I figure I need to do $18 or more worth of inventory weekly which by the farmers market it would equal $234.00
But more won't hurt. I can't account any fall or winter things.

After keeping track. I see some opps in my record keeping. I didn't keep track of taxes and insurances
which I believe runs about $170 a month. The taxes and insurances aren't paid on monthly deal.

So my goal when it comes to expense is to cut it by 10%. I know the doctor office will be slice and I know I could limited my spending under misc needs and wants.

Every year one of my employer sends me a schedule “K-1 form 1065” which is partner's share of income, deductions, credits etc.
The company I work for doesn't take out any type of taxes where I work. But I responsible for my own taxes.
“I bet by now some are ask why claim this money” well some didn't and now there dealing with the IRS.
So I have 2 jars that I stash money one for I.R.S and for social security. The other jar is for the property taxes, and insurances.
But I don't claim the money I earn from Faith but her money goes in the jars.
The jar I have set a side for the I.R.S earning in 2011 has $1,112 in it. I know my tax bill won't be that much. I'll have our accountant do the taxes. So far as my youngest son is working and going to college we can claim him.
But still I'm clueless what our taxes will be for 2011.
Then of course there the expense that comes out of the other jar.
For the 2012 season there is $54 for Uncle Sam. The other jar has $37 in it.
I would like my money expenditure to look like this $480 for the month of February. Plus get my hair cut.

We're trying to get hubby unemployment insurances straighten out which will be $149 a week. Plus my income about $500. Actual my income could be even higher then the $500 but I'm fairly sure it will be that.
In the home-care field I can't get an exact number because I do some private pay and hours do very. 
I'm still want to chip away at the shed/barn to weed out a least 10% of the stuff. There 20 shelves or spaces.
So far I got 4 spaces done and more then 10% from each area.
My goal is to chip away at the shed/barn. I need to complete in the month of February 6 spaces.
One way I know how well it's coming along is see how much stuff ends up in the thrift store or yard sale pile.
Editor Note..I'm not getting rid of the ceramic molds, goose decoy or barbecue.
I gain then I take a fall back on this room. I would like to turn this craft/sewing room. It seem like it has some type of giant magnets to the walls .
I was total disappointed in my weigh in at T.O.P.S. I weigh in at 217 ½ pound. So I gain ¾ of pound. But one thing Hubby and I start to walk again. Still in places it snowy and icy.
But there is places to walk.
In T.O.P.S we are suggested to keep a food journal. I don't know why I find this hard.

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