Friday, January 27, 2012

Weekend Photo Hunt (dark-fluffy)

I've been told be afraid of the dark. Because there things that go bump in the night. No it people like me who don't put things away as they need so they can go thump on the noggin.
So I turn off the light and turn on the flash and took picture of the hall way closet. I might get to it sometime. But I want to take care of the smaller bedroom and the barn/shed done this year.

I don't mind shovel snow when it fluffy but when it wet and heavy it brings out the cuss words.

So next weekend hunt looks like it going to be flat and twigs

First of all I never know what to call the people I do home-care for. Not sure to use the term client or friend.
Last week I posted about her trouble with food stamps but it got straighten out for her.
So for the rest of this month she will get about $45.00 then the next month which will be February I saw her statement that she is only getting $80 a month in food stamps.
The family gross income is about $1,100 a month.
Last time I heard about an electrical bill for her it was $190. Not going into any detail she could lower her electrical bill.
Her rent is $115 a month. So in the eyes of health and welfare she has left over in cash to purchase food $795
I know she has net flix and cable type of boob tube. I know health and welfare only considers the necessity of life.
Part of her trouble she need to slap her so call ex man off the tit. She took out a loan to re-due his house and got him all sort of fancy tools.
I never seen him contribute to the well being of the family.
She took the loans out when she was holding down a job and then no longer could work and had to go on disability.
Opinion time...I think she should look into debt forgiveness. I know there law to protect such people who had to go on to disability.
The last sign I saw for legal aid they come up on the 4th Monday of every month. I know they do things related to disability.
They could give her more of straight answer. What the little I know is that it could be dangerous.

I know sometime soon that her daughter gets a disability check from her dad and she will be loosing her $271 a month. It long story it could be use for anther posting.

Well we never lived high on the hog. Most bosses I every had a need for there ego to be fed and I wouldn't play full force on feeding there egos.
So I learn really quick that if I didn't have a bunch of debt it was a lot easier to walk out of job. I've had one person try to hold debt thing over my head. So he did get up to the home plate and took a swing it was such a fast pitch that he went down to his knee a swinging.
I told him that you can't hold me prisoner to this job because of debt. I can walk off this job anytime I need to or want to.

In some way I don't understand why she grumbling about what she gets from the government. I was looking what they get.
There income for the house hold is $1,100
Our is only $1,000
Not sure who housing expensive is lower.
But they get $80 in food stamps
She has all of her medical needs picked up. I picked up 3 prescription for her recently. One of them was retail for $100.00
All of my medical which isn't that much but still it out of pocket.

I was trying to compare her income to mind in eyes of the people who determine what amount one would get food stamps.
Statement time....We can't receives food stamps because our worth is over $2,500. They don't count the first vehicle, and the home you live in.
We have over $2,500 in investments, and other properties.
But to eyes of food stamp people our income would be something like $759.00 a month.
I know they would let us take off
Electrical bill of $60.00 a month
Base Phone bill of $20.00 a month
Water bill of $41.00 a month
Gas bill of $20.00 a month.
Property taxes of $100.00
which comes to $241.00

But they won't let us take off any of these expenses
Internet hook up $10.00 a month
Long distant phone $15.00 a month
house and vehicle insurance $170.00 a month
self employment tax $60 a month.

So to cover everything else in life we have $469.00 including food.

Editor note...we told both of the boys as there where going though college that we would buy there vehicle insurance.
They been working and paying there own way though college. So we figure we can pay for there insurance. But we never have bought there vehicles for them.

I'm still working on improving my health. I been doing ok but I could always use some improvement. I have to say I been doing ok on my caffeine in take.

I order some pero  and it didn't come in
My weigh in at T.O.P.S was a maintain. “I'll take it.”
Well almond milk was on sale at Safeway.
So I'm letting the ladies who is part of Get off your broom  know about this weeks post.

I'm still trying to do Carla's No-Low Spend So here three items I purchase and the prices.
Silk Almond Milk ½ gallon at $2.29. I had coupon or it would have been regular $3.29
A doughnut at .69¢
Orange are .39¢ a pound and looks like hubby got about ½ dozen of them.
Carla's is doing anther challenge for february
I'll post mine as part of my weather report for January.

The last Saturday of this month we're having a mid-winter family get together over at my Aunt Eve's place. My Uncle Bob will be turning 80 around ground hog day.  
But this isn't what I want to post. Actual I want to post about some people including relatives of mine. Has the attitude about coming from bad seeds.
There relatives of mine won't list them because it would be confusing. I have to many relatives.
It seem like Uncle Bob and his wife Aunt Maria and others are into shunning there niece Jane and also Jane daughter Alison.
Because there from the seeds of Uncle Mike and Aunt Joyce.
Uncle Mike was my mother's brother and I haven't heard one of siblings not make the statement some what like this “I want to beat the shit out of mommy little blue eyes sunny boy”
But it seems like Uncle Bob and Aunt Maria was some of the same course of action that my Grandmother Olive had to certain people.
My dad and my grandmother people who they didn't like they could be right down nasty to. My father I haven't yet figured out how he choice to be nasty to. But my grandmother was quite simple.
If your name had any simulates as in Alice, Cathy, Cynthia, Myra, Florence, Minnie or in name after her in laws.
But if you had the names of John, Charles, Shirley, or Ann your where just fine in her book. Even if your where right down a piece of shit. In her thinking “You got framed and bad rap”
But any name I didn't mention above, you're pretty much safe.


  1. Anonymous3:07 AM

    I'm with you on that - if the snow is all fluffy and light I don't mind shovelling it. If it isn't I'm happy to ignore it until the rest of the household wakes uup!

  2. I don't like to shovel snow either!

  3. We were both on the same track!
    I hope to see you next Saturday at The Saturday PhotoHunt.
    ... and bring something 'Flat'!

  4. If I'm reading correctly, you friend has $1000 that's disposable & could be used for food? Is this right? We are a family of 6 and don't have that for food... I think your friend needs to get a good budget in had & stick to it!

    Good luck with your no-spend! Glad you're joining in again! :)

  5. Oh, a collection of group games. :D Whenever I see snow, I think snowball fight. :D Here's mine.

  6. I didn't read this post other than fast, all I know is that my income is under a 1000 bucks a month and I do just fine on it.

    But I don't need all the things others seem to need.

  7. Very creative interpretation for the theme "dark", lol !

    I think there are these kind of people everywhere, who are too lazy to work and can't handle money, it really upsets me !

  8. I'm tired of getting a lot of crappy pictures, I bought a new camera today.

  9. glad you are joining the challenges.

    Gill in Canada


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