Saturday, April 30, 2011

Photo Hunt (Square)

Square is this week photo hunt theme. My father had an interested in slang talk, literature and words
I kept thinking of the word square in the slang text “Hey man your so square man” I haven't heard or read or use the term square in any form of slang for ages.
So On the 23rd of April my friend Qunella and I went to Boundary County Earth Day Fair. I was total surprised how well it went over.
There people in our area who are friendly toward any environmental idea, being Earth friendly there known as “Environmental Wackos”
Put it seems like more and more people are becoming more environmental friendly and those who aren't friendly toward our earth could be possible known as “square”
So I hope all those who attended the Earth day fair is not square

Confession time...When I was working I couldn't be all that Earth friendly because I was all wiped out.
But now I'm trying to be more earth friendly.

I started sorting our garbage somewhat. I sat 4 boxes one is for newspaper and magazines, glasses, plastic and tin cans.
The first and third Wednesday the recycle man from the land field which I still call the dump comes and parks in Safeway parking lot.
But I'm using less prepackage foods. But still there quite a bit of card board which I was surprised
When the weather is nice which seems not much this spring. I hang out laundry to dry. Confession time...I don't hang out whites I have trouble with hanging out my hubby white tighties. 
Since I'm not working as much I can save on fuel. I decided a deck of cards will decided if I'll be working 2 or 3 days in week.
I know I'll have to work Monday for Murphette and most of the time on Tuesday for Faith.
This is how I will decided if I'll work for Murphette 2 or 3 days a week on Sunday evening I'll get deck of card and pick a card if it comes up with a red card I'll work Monday and one other day.
Then if it comes up black I'll still do my Monday and two other days.
But of course with doctors days can be altered but there less and less.
So with gas at $3.69 a gallon for regular I'm trying to cut down driving.

So cutting down my carbon foot print may make be a wacko but I rather be a wacko then a square.
Hope you get chance to be part of the hunt each Saturday please visit our hostess TN CHICK
and other photo hunters.


  1. Anonymous3:27 PM

    We have a ton of cardboard because my dh keeps rescuing it from the garbage. I can't seem to convince him to lighten up.

  2. such a great reminder that each of us need to make the effort to cherish our world so it can continue to be enjoyed by the generations to come.

  3. Our city has a recyclling program where they've given s all huge rolling bins which you can fill with mixed paper, cardboard, aluminum, tin, glass, and plastics 1-7. No sorting required and they pick it up every two weeks. Not bad for a little hick Southern town.


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 Been slowly getting things straighten out. Today I went and gather up all the paper that I don't need floating about. Like my social se...