Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I'm Forcing Ostra Out of Hiding

If one looks at calendar one would say we are in the spring season. But as one would look out window around would say it heading toward fall.
Truth be known. There a few small sign of spring.
The bluebirds are back and got a nest. Plus I got anther bluebird house which need to be hung up and I know this year we won't get a family of bluebirds, to late in the season.


My crocus are finishing up. I have a few Easter hyacinth but there sure not all that great. Actual there kind of straggly looking.

There a patch of violet hiding among the star of bethlehem stars which in desperate needed of thinning and finding a new home for. I could add them to my patriot flowerbed or give them to a friends. There also chance the name of flower bed to good neighbor to honor people of France or Great Britain but I know there other flags of the world that is same color as ours red, white and blue.

But this Monday the 25th of April when I was taking care of Murphette I notice there was some dandelion which usual mean a sign for morel but it really to cold. It cloudy and windy but what the heck Daisy and I can take quick look in draw where the cattle are out in summer pasture.
Plus it would get me some walking in.
There was no Morel or I couldn't fine them.

I took a few minute down in draw among the trees to look up sky stuck the camera on top of my head and snap the button.

I planted a short roll in the vegetable garden. Guess What! I'm going to tell you they broke though . There spinach, beets, lettuce, and carrots.
I went over and weeded the strawberry bed. Although I know I didn't do very good job. We need anther hoe and weed popper thing.
In corner by strawberry bed I have rhubarb plant. I notice the ones in town is about two weeks a head of mine.
I'm actual looking forward making rhubarb pie. Canning up some rhubarb and or maybe some victoria sauce.


  1. Anonymous9:50 PM

    Sounds like all kinds of great things are growing there.

  2. Looks like you guys run about a month behind us. I know you're glad to see some blooms!


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