Sunday, May 01, 2011

Beltane Day

Haven't posted anything on May Day. I believe it kinda of forgot Holiday. I was at that age group in school use to make May Day Baskets.
Came home and put on my parents step rang the bell and run around the corner of the house.
Plus May Day was International Workers Day 
”Ok I'll be nice during this post”
I send some ole New Yorkers down to both the boys. I'm not sure it they will enjoy them or not. Plus I did a May Day goodie box up.
The box contain one pound of Red Roaster Coffee
let see then the rest I got at “Huckleberry Variety” 2 set of magnets with clips, 3 in pack. A box of bandage, and 8 small piece of candy.
Both boys are renting a room from younger couple. Not sure how they will share but that's not my concern or my headache.

Over the weekend we tried a new dish. One was a salad from Yuri     
which Donna help me get one of his book. Both Murphy and I are game to try new recipes.
1 Mango cut up in too pieces
¼ cup chopped up red onion
1 avocado
mixed greens
although I didn't have any mixed greens, but I use leaf lettuce.
Statement time...I thought just the mango, red onion and the avocado combine nicely together and was very smooth tasting.

This isn't new at all but one thing both Murphy and I like doing to is adding spinach to raw ground beef before cooking.
I find using frozen spinach or cooked spinach work best for this recipe
if using frozen spinach un freeze it and drain off liquid and also do this is you are cooking your spinach I find 1 to 2 cups of fresh spinach is about the right amount for about pound and half of ground beef.
But on frozen I like to keep it about to 1 to 1 ½ cups.
Place drain spinach in a bowl with your ground beef mix well and season as you would your hamburgers.
Anther thing is I find is to have your spinach to cut into smaller pieces.
None of our trees has full leaves yet. This is closes one and I bet by next weekend (5th of May) it will be fully opened.

Let see the weather isn't what I would call gardening friendly. But we did some like planted 20 hills of red potatoes, 17 hills or viking potatoes, and 21 hills of yukon gold potatoes.
Statement time...I'm thinking I planted way to many potatoes. One roll would have been plenty. I got two rolls and space them eighteen inch a part but it would have been better at 24 inches.

I notice there a few grape hyacinth coming up in Royal Sunshine bed. Some type of small white flower in the hodge-podge flowerbed.

As for more planting in garden I put in 36 red onion and then for yellow there is 20. 19 leeks but I might want some more.
I dug up a spot to put in a white lilac bush which will be part of my patriot flower bed. This is the area where the patriot bed is going. It sure don't look like much but I believe the only real thing going to be done this year is white lilac bush.

Yesterday (April 30) was the first time I heard thunder this year.


  1. Anonymous5:57 PM

    I remember doing the May Pole dance in school, something my kids hadn't even heard of.

  2. Funny you should mention May Pole...a colleague and I had some fun at work the other day and used some surgical string and our ribbon and tied it to an IV pole and danced about....oh my goodness what a giggle we had.

    Like the sounds of the avocado red onion and mango....I might have to make me some of that tonight!

    Have a great day!


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 Been slowly getting things straighten out. Today I went and gather up all the paper that I don't need floating about. Like my social se...