Saturday, April 23, 2011

Photo Hunt (Dusty)

I knew it would be impossible to show what I want to for this week theme of “dusty” there plenty of dust when I clean green-ware.
I haven't yet start to cast ceramics molds. I knew I wouldn't be able to pour any ceramics until May.
But there plenty of dust in our living room so one day I went though and dusted with basic H. I have trouble with cleaning product I have to be careful what and how I use it.
Usual I cease up in my lungs when some product bothers me.
Now those who want to do or look at others please visit our hostess TN Chick

This is what I been working on in ceramics and in hope to market this fall.

I bought this bunny at a thrift store and finished it up. I probably won't be getting this mold.


  1. I didn't dare to post pictures of my dusty house. :P

    Happy Easter!

  2. Anonymous11:12 PM

    I use just a cloth for dusting, and maybe sometimes I'll get the cloth damp.

  3. Great pics for the dusty theme :)


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