Monday, March 14, 2011

Picky Progress Notes

There sure getting more picky on our progress notes at work. My client Murphette has something like 17 minutes of shopping a week in her care plans. On Mondays she has her Counseling appointment and if she needs to see her doctor we like to make them back to back.
When she in her appointment I run errands and shop for her.
Believe me no one know how long doctors take.
There is progress notes to be filled out and we are pose to mark things so it matches up with the care plan.
It was a Monday and I was taking Murphette to her appointments and as she is her appointment I was going to run her errands. So that Monday I went shopping and did some other errands and it took me over 17 minutes so I claim the whole time for shopping. But medicaid kicked back my notes for claiming to much time in shopping.
With the cuts in medicaid and other programs there getting more picky.
I believe she gets 26 minutes for laundry a week.
Get this. At this time Murphette has no vehicle has had one for ages in big bold letters I printed “Took Client to her counseling appointment for she has no vehicle” see it's not in care plan I'm really not aloud to make a check mark on her chart but I can take note to situation but who knows how long it going to take to get though there thick head.
So Both my medicaid clients got a week worth of care and I'm just short under $250.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Exactly 17 minutes? What? To buy nothing but milk? Pft. Bureaucrats.


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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...