Sunday, February 13, 2011

My Birthday Weekend

My Birthday weekend nothing big happen. I really didn't think much was going to happen at all. Murphy and I went to dump bins in Naples and I thought we where going to walk around his sister Susan place but heading of time I knew the possibility might not be. It sloppy and wet. Statement time...I been trying to increase my physical activity.
So Murphy and I walk up the small hill to Burlington Santa fe Railroad tracks and never knew there was a tunnel up there, built in 1912. “It looked dark and spooky down the tunnel”

Murphy made ham hock and bean soup. But we where invited to the Boundary County Democrat chili dinner and fund raiser.
Faith the lady I drive around paid for our way in.
We didn't stay for the auction usual those fund raising auction is to rich for my blood. Considering our take home pay is $750 a month.
But the lady who my hubby was talking to thought theJohn Birch where a bunch of nuts. His answer they had to much mercury fillings in there teeth and that what cause them to be nuts.
(Statement time..I think the tea party are the same thing as John Birches. read this 
Then we also talk a little politics that President Eisenhower would be running for president he would be considerate more of a liberal.
One of his direct relative spoke in favor of Obama during the democrat convention. At time of Eisenhower president term we had a 90% tax rate for the top 10% wage earners
It was also brought up at our table that how many people who get quite a bit of help by government programs such as food stamps, w.i.c, subsiding housing, medicare, medicaid, s.s.d, s.s.i, energy assidents, unemployment insurance or many other government base programs.
Is so anti government and thinks lower taxes is going to help them and getting the government off there backs is going to help. Question time...where in the hell do you think your support comes from?
Statement time...I just shake my head at some of these programs that helps the poor.
Other president was talk about was Ronald Reagan how he start the fall of the middle class 
As it came to 6:30 and the live auction started and we snick out.

As we know there going to be cut in budget don't matter how one looks at it there going to be all sort of cuts in budget. Not knowing how things are going to take place. If dollar value stays the same and no major misshapen we could live 60 months with out any check but Murphy can draw his social security in two years if he had to.. which would lessen the 60 month factor.

That small bedroom that I want to make into a office/craft room is moving along. Yet I wish it would be at a different rate of speed.
Well Bart is giving us the twin bed he is using down in Courd'alene, he is to short for it. He is getting a queen size bed.
Both Murphy and I can't wait to get back in the garden but right now our garden looks like a mud pit. To quick looking around the flower bed below the large front window is all uncovered and there bulbs showing.
Close by is what I call my “royal sunshine flowerbed” still cover with wet snow. But a few of the rocks that boarders it is showing though.
Where I want to put in patriot flower bed it still very sloop and when walked upon one would hear a squish sounds.
Work actual talks up a lot of time and I figure this year what can be done is. The royal sunshine bed needs a major over haul which I'm not going to add anything new but once it done blooming. It will clean out and replanted.
Then the patriotic flower bed the only thing going to be done with that is put in a white lilac bush.
Took a quick glance over at the south side of the house where I would like to put a salad garden/herb garden I'm total clueless when I'll even get started on that.
Lesson time...Since I work out side of home even at a part time job I learn not to make any big projected plans or one will be disappointed.
I have a lot more project I would like to do but facts or facts and it won't be done.

Well I came up with a different smoothie and I named it after one of my dad booze he used to buy when he was on a budget kick. “S.R.S” (special reserve stock) but I'm calling mine “s-r stock” don't you think that would look great on ticker of the New York Stock exchange”
¼ cup of raspberries
¼ cup of strawberries about 6 handsome strawberries.
1 banana
12 ounce of water. I like my smoothies a little thicker. Next time making this one I would use less water
but my thoughts on the stock would be anything that is long such as celery, cucumber, or rhubarb. But this is to replace the banana


  1. Thanks for your comment on my blog. Yes very interesting to get both sides of working mums and SAHM's. I'm very interested in this too.
    Sam (An Organised Mum)

  2. thanks for the link yes we are thrifty!!

    When was your birthday?

    Like the smoothie recipe.

    Gill in Canada


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