Thursday, February 17, 2011

My Thoughts On Food Stamps

Some of you just might want to slap the crap out of me. I haven't put on my royal crown and gave my opinion how things such be run when it comes to EBT cards, food stamps and cash from the ebt cards.
First all the food stamps amount should be increased. Hold on! More to come. Increase the base by 20% and each additional person 10%.
No more chips, candy, soda pop, or any foods that is high in sugar, fats, or salts. These food can't be bought with your EBT food stamps card.
Don't get your fizzle up. I have no trouble with anyone having a treat. Also give them goodie ebt card and the card would start at flat $30 for the head of the household and $5 for each additional person. This would be a separate card from the ebt food. With the goodie card one could purchase soda pop, candy, chips, ice cream, beer. lottery tickets, play the slot machine and even cigarettes. But once this card runs out “no more” goodies but those who choose not use this card this way can use it to purchase healthy food.
I believe in state of Idaho those who gets cash benefits for there ebt cards has to be on some type of disability the working poor or college student can not get this benefit I think the cash benefit on the ebt card such be ghelpful to the working poor and not limited to the disable . I see nothing wrong of giving the household $50 and $10 per person So they can remain purchasing paper products, toothpaste, over the counter meds, shampoo and their soaps. No more purchasing junk food with your ebt regular food stamps or with your ebt cash benefits.

I believe people does better with a pet one that is neutered or spay. Even the poor deserve a non judgmental pet in there life.
I see nothing wrong with a family pet ebt card, $30 a month value.
There should be bound on the pet ebt not $30 pet ebt cards per pet. One pet for entire household.

Before you get ready to slap me. Here my story out why I think they ought to have goodie ebt cards.I'll give you a example. One of my old clients sister would get her ebt food stamps and her cash benefits. I've seen her in the store in her shopping card not just one of these items. I see bakery cakes a few pies out of the bakery, chips of different types, oreo cookies, ice cream, soda pops and sugary breakfast cereals. The cart is over half full of these types of foods.
If this person had a goodies ebt card there would be no way they could of bought all this crap off of regular ebt food stamps. I would guess these goodies would run better then $75 bucks but with her ebt goodie card and her family size at that time it would limited her unhealthy purchase to $40.00.
If I recall she smoked cigarettes. Not sure what carton cost then but I haven't heard of carton of cigarettes being under $45.

With foods that has more nutrition I know this would benefits ones health and well being. Cut down cost of medication. Some time I'll put back on my royal crown and give my thoughts on the drug companies.

I did anther version on my “s-r stock” smoothie I didn't use a banana instead I put in a ¼ of cup of parsley.
But still used ¼ cup of strawberries and ¼ cup of raspberries.
Last time I add 12 ounce but this time I only put in about 8 ounce lot better with less water.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Parsley? Sounds odd. How did it come out?


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