Friday, January 28, 2011

SomeThing Is Brewing

I been starting or going back to do some changes. I been working on more raw diet. So slowly I been changing and getting back into more healthier life style.
One thing I'm still in the process of doing is majorly cutting back on caffeine drinks. Confession is my weakness. So every week my cut off time is a half hour. I'm up to 11 in morning so anytime after 11 Am I don't have caffeine. So starting Monday the 31st of January my cut off time will be 10:30 AM.
As I'm drinking less caffeine and still I don't get enough water.
I have plans to do a “push” I'm planning to go to Super One on Thursday the 3rd of February and get some fresh veggies and hopeful fresh fruits and push them in my body so I can flush out the toxin and not the good nutrition I already have.        spitlina
 in powder form is something I want to add for a while as I increase my raw.
I know one thing I can see could be a problem eating raw is time management which I need to work on
So this raw eating will work..
One thing I'm gathering up some raw recipes and putting them in notebook binder which most of them comes from the thrift store.
Knowing my hubby he wouldn't get anything out of a document file or if I gave him a print out recipe and gave him an order and ask him to fix this the odds I wouldn't get.
But if I put in some in note book and say to him “Gee I would like something raw in fruit line” my odds would increase I would get something raw.

At work the other day I made a smoothie. Murphette who doesn't eat all that well I see some changes in her diet. But I'm too doing some changes.
I know on the raw dairy isn't real cool but we tried the first recipe in her smoothie book.
½ cup of milk
1 cup of yogurt (I like the mountain high yogurt, vanilla)
1 peach
½ cup of raspberries.
Do to the cold north I had to get frozen berries and fruit.
So both of us give it a simile face.

Statement...I found this combo of fruit surprisingly tastfull and would like to try to make jam out of this combo.
Plus I would like to use this fruit combo doing other things.

I been saving ten dollar a week toward a food dehydrator. But I've had the opportunity to put away a little extra so I have up to $100 save for it

Head way been made in the smaller bedroom. Went though the closet and it was full of shoes. Match them up. The ones that was shot went into trash can. The ones didn't fit anyone is off to the thrift store.
Then Murphy was all happy because it free up some room out in the barn/shed. Fact time...we had box of shoes out in barn or maybe it was two.
I gathered the seed both flower, veggies, and herb and put them in a tin. They were just sort of sitting on top of dresser.
This room I would like to do three things with it. Put in a twin bed or futon. Then have it as a craft room/home office.
But I'm not sure if there is enough room to place a desk, file cabinets, sewing desk/ craft desk, book cases, dresser and anther table which I haven't figured out yet.
I know for sure I want a item that one could sleep on.
If anyone wondering why I'm doing this room up. I've been doing a little ceramic here and there. With the cut backs in all the program. I figure my hours will be cut.
I know with struggling economy ceramics aren't going to be real hot seller but I figure I could sell a few pieces here and there bring in a few extra dollars.
I'll be competing against foreign market.
If anyone was wanting to know what ceramic project I was working on was a valentine piece. Well it doesn't matter I broke it.
I've been cleaning greenware of two fountain glasses. Plus I did get some figurines clean and ready to fire.

Then anther project which was a lot simpler I went though the garden seeds anything 2007 or older I tossed. But them in an older saltine tin.
So hopefully Murphy and I can get chance to go though the seeds. Decided what to order and plant. Don't worry my fans “we won't agree on what to be planted”

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