Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Helping Someone Dig There Own Grave.

I watch people dig there own grave at work. It may seem like a strange statement to make. As you know I do home care which is in so many ways a joke.
Murphette is one I'm watching her dig her own grave. The 17th of December they let her out of the hospital and want her to be on diabetic type of diet. Which she struggling with because of many ways and reasons.
She needs to have this operation on her liver what we where hoping for was to have in done when her daughters where down in Texas but at this point we knew it was sometime after the first of the year but we can't find out when it is.
So as we try to unriddle the mystery of when and where she continues to not eat proper. Plus who know what these new meditation is doing they make her sound drunk and I know she isn't drinking.
I also know if someone blood sugar count is high it could effect them as if they been drinking.
Opinion time...I think she needs more help or she needs to be in a place that could see she is eating right. I only get seven and half hours a week with her a week. So I call up someone to come out and reevaluate her situation sense because there been changes. But with cuts in medicaid getting anytime at this time is like pulling “chicken teeth”
Most or least half of my clients I feel like at time I'm helping them dig there own grave to some degree. I'm not only one who complain of this.
My friend Alice does the same thing I do. She is now helping a lady with dialysis and she diabetic. Get this she puts in a lot of hours with this person and it private pay. The lady in wheel chair because of her choices she made.
Before Alice leaves she sit up things for her to eat and her meds. Well someone who is diabetic doesn't need doughnuts. Well after Alice leaves the lady somehow gets doughnut to eat and doesn't take her meds and her sugar count is some where out in space.

So Sunday Hubby and I are going to Sandpoint. Now let me tell you about our adventure I can't recall the last time we were at the Gardenia Center
Some powerful wisdom words like trust, responsibility, and light.
There time in our life we just need to trust in holy spirit there just no if and or buts. The one who was doing it on trust was telling us about she was doing a seminar for some really big world leaders and they where going to pay her $10,000 for 4 hour seminar. She wanted to prepare and what everything went wrong. Had two hours a sleep and I believe that Ah Ha guide her though it
Statement time...When someone blames others. In the short of it we are all responsible for our own well being we are giving free will.
Then the light we choose to shine with in us it up to each individual.

I been looking in go to more Raw foodism 
but there question or a practical plan I need to make out that is practical for our family. What we can deal with
I know smoothies and juicing is something that can be handle
I know there more to raw then slop some stuff in blender or a juicier.
With work and have work with in budget is trying to figure out a path that will work for our family.
Well if I put away $10 a week in 6 month I will have enough money to get .excalibur dehydrator.
Then there other supplies I need but I'm pretty good at figuring out how to substitute.
Confession time...I drink to much coffee and I don't drink enough water. Then also I don't get enough exercise.
I know if I increase my activity level and increase my water intake I would be doing better
This week cut off for caffeine has been 12:30 in the afternoon. Confession time...I had trouble going from 1:00 in the afternoon to 12:30.
But I know by my numbers I need to get better numbers or my life is going to be shorter. But the main thing is “I want to do things” other then just work then a part time job.


  1. Anonymous9:34 PM

    I swear, eating right has got to be one of the biggest modern challenges. I certainly struggle with it enough. As a care giver, you can only do so much.

  2. I agree with Alice Audrey, it can be a challenge for a lot of us out there.

    Gill in Canada


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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...