Sunday, November 07, 2010

Weather Report (Oct 2010)

October 5th was the warmest day 64.0 (17.7)

October 17th and 19th was the coldest day 24.8 (4.0)

The average high for the October was 55.0 (12.7)

The average low for the October was 34.3 (1.2)

Rainfall 3 ½ (8.8)

first light frost on the 13th of October

Saw first snow on Mountain the 24th of October.

It seem like we have trouble with our pets and want to protect them from bullies. Murphy got a young deer a buck. So Daisy got the neck to chew on which really doesn't help BO or Do (Doggy Order) well a pack of large dogs came and bit her and took it her deer neck from her.

I wasn't there but she yelp and was very upset.

As soon as Murphy open the door those dogs ran off with her meat.

Now when any touch her I believe is her left shoulder she lets out a yelp in pain.

Right now my old client Callie got her dog Rosie. See Callie always want to get married and have a family. But her living arrangement was to stressful on Rosie so her mom got the dog now.

There living a household of 10 people and some bigger dogs.

Yesterday I went or I should say I took my client Murphette and her two daughters in to Sandpoint. To do some shopping. Statement time...I shook my head on there shopping habits and at times I see why poor people stay poor it really bothers me to watch them purchase food. No wonder they have health issues.

Even as heavy as Donna is she in better health then Murphette. Donna diet is more then 80% good choices and less then 20% crap. Murphette is just flip of the coin compare to my client Donna.

We help celebrate Nayday Birthday he is youngest of Quincy and Murphy sister Faith youngest grandson. Actual his birthday was on the 5th and he turn 5.

One could tell he was the youngest of larger mount of siblings. He has one older brother and three older sister.

Yes there was quite a few youngster there, couldn't give a number of guest. But he had pumpkin pinata and he got up set when he had to let other kids have a turn breaking the pinata.

But in general I think he did pretty good. Got a lot of neat toys we got him a punching bag. Plus he enjoy all of his company much a busy five year old does Anyhow Safeway was the only bakery in town. When they first open their cakes was just plain gross a grease ball but the last I had was good

Since I never did any Halloween decoration. I got out one Thanksgiving decoration a Him and her Turkey and sat it on our TV


  1. which state do you live in? That's a lovely view in the photo.

    Gill in Canada

  2. Your shot is gorgeous love it!
    Looking at the sky


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 Been slowly getting things straighten out. Today I went and gather up all the paper that I don't need floating about. Like my social se...