Saturday, November 06, 2010

photo hunt (Alive)

I have to say the best thing or one of the best things about my job is my clients pets. Well it's not part of the job description but I take Rex for a walk. Most of the time we head to the ball park but also known as a dog park.
I like to walk around edge of the park to see if anything alive. In summer time when the days are warmer I'll see all sort of life.
Usual in heat of summer sun there will be turtle sunny them self.
But as the days are shorter and the sun don't have a chance to heat up the earth in the Northern hemisphere things haven't been as lively around the old pond.
But I know better then that things are alive. Even if it little cells starts to form a new life.
So this week theme for photo hunt is Alive If interest in hunt please visit the hostess Tn Chick


  1. Oh Dora that is a wonderful take on the theme.

    Happy Weekend to you!

  2. With the frost coming, not many plants are going to be alive.

    Some hot coffee please. :)


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