Saturday, November 27, 2010

Photo Hunt (Written)

Years ago in early 80's I took a hand writing analysis class. I thought it would be a good match to this week theme for the photo hunt.

I was looking though the note book and it been a while. I recall when a person makes there capital letters at the beginning in a print form on a paper there usual a love of reading.

But there settle clues in a person hand writing will give info on this person.

Recently I filled out form from our local library about “Lets talk about it” I took a picture of the back side so one could get base ideal what my hand writing looks like.

Look at the g's notice most of them are larger loop. The lower loop on my l's are larger then the top ones, my I's dots aren't above the i's and let see what other clues I can find about one self. On ending words I tend to loop back toward the left not always back over the entire word
This year we went over to my sister in law Faith for Thanksgiving and this year it was a smaller gathering. This year there where 14 of us.

Faith Youngest daughter Gissele and her husband Terry came in from Kalispell Mountana which I believe is around 140 miles east of Bonners Ferry.

But none came up from Courd'Alene and Spokane area. Expect our son Bart came in

Before I move on I brought a green salad if you notice I put paper towels in. I keep saying I need to get a salad spinner but I line salad bowl with paper towel to take up the moister
I been doing some small changes in my diet. Nothing fancy but small. I'm cutting back on the coffee. . Well my goal is to majorly cut back on the caffeine. It's a good thing I'm not a soda pop drinker every week I have cut off line when it come to caffeine right now I don't have any caffeine after 3 pm and starting November 29 cut off time is 2:30 in the afternoon. Then the following week the cut off line will be 2 in the afternoon etc and so forth and goal will be down to less then 3 cups a day.

I'm looking into eating more raw foods. I'm not sure where I want to go with this but I believe raw foods one gets most bang for the dollar when it come to nutrition
In my last post starting at the second paragraph I gave some thoughts on food stamp program.

I like to add a little more thought on food stamps. During the major holiday when extra food is being served. To me this would be Easter, 4th of July, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Give those a little more food benefit to there quest cards. Let say $30 more to the household and $10 a person and credit there account about a week before.

Statement time...Purchasing extra food for these people during holidays can be a strain on those who income is very limited

1 comment:

  1. I would like to learn how to analyse handwriting. It would be fun. :P


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 Been slowly getting things straighten out. Today I went and gather up all the paper that I don't need floating about. Like my social se...