Sunday, November 21, 2010

No Boots To Lace Up

My world or I should say the stage of events that may or may not come. You know like those spirits in Charles Dickson “Christmas Carol”
We just had election and we have basically a two party system in United States the Republican which is leans towards a more of conservative ideals and democrats which there ideals or more liberal.
At this time neither of the two party don't want to work together.
In our resent election the lower house was taken over by the Republican known as the party of “no”  Opinion time...I don't see the Republican saying no to any big corporation or banks.
Just to the safety net programs

 Lets not just poke the fire and see if we can get the fire going. Throw some fuel of fire  Opinion time...I don't believe the people who needs aid should be handed it with out  no countability or responsibility Murphy had the ideal of people who drew food stamps should be able to sent in there receipts and get some type of rebate back for buying food with nutritional value other then soda, chips, and prepackage foods.
 Statement time...No wonder some of the lower income has so many health trouble

 I don't know Idaho is the only state uses a card a plastic card like a credit or debit looking card. Here in Idaho there called quest cards. Every month they get a charge up like a gift card to purchase food and part of them also get charged up like anther section which one can purchase non food items. I believe it set up to buy soaps, paper products and things that people needs in there home.
 Opinion time ...I see nothing wrong with a treat. Every kid need a birthday cake for their birthdays. but when the this money is cash out to purchase alcohol, tobacco, lottery tickets, and other non sectional items but the tax payer is flipping the bill.
Give each person $30 a month for non sectional items. Then give them voucher checks for toilet paper a dozen month should be plenty for each in the home, 6 rolls or paper towels, 12 oz dish washing soap a month and etc.

 I haven't heard anyone make the the statement” I like paying taxes” but let face fact those countries that have a little or no income tax there usual ran by some dictatorship or have caste system.
 Opinion time...If we're not careful and there to much of tax cut we could end having a caste system Simplify our taxes would be a major step, “Sorry tax prepares” but I would increase the personal deduction up to $30,000 a person and $45,000 for married couples, and those who are over 60 years old let them deducted and extra $5,000. Then no more deduction one would have to pay a flat tax of 17% and 3% but the 3% this tax you will have a choice where this money goes to which department.
Corp and business taxes now. There not a true definition between big and small business. So there taxes should also be simplier.
Business should have exploitation fines and laws if the upper or managerial types is making 20 times more then there average worker one should find 5x what they pay there employee wages up to a million dollars. Now for the taxes. The only thing should be deducted is wages and if the employer pays his employees a middle class wage which I believe should be $40,000 a year or $20 an hour and as far I'm concern these business should have and extra $80,000 to deducted from there taxes.
Then what is left after all this they should pay 20% of the profits to taxes.
I believe they should not be aloud to deducted things like entertainment, deprecation on there equipment, postage, mileage and etc.
Those who takes there business off shore should be tax at and 80% flat tax rate and those who refuse to make quality items and safe (look at China and other over seas market the uses of such material as lead) should be fine at $100 per item. Those cargo ships can hold a lot of Elmo. “Sorry Sesame Street nothing against you personally

 If we don't become more involved with spirit of caring, fairness, responsibility, countability, and charitable. Which I have no trouble letting our tax dollar go to these. Call me a socialist if you want. Let the spirit of selfishness and greed linger we could be in for some ruff time

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