Friday, October 08, 2010

They Had The Ideal

It all seem like a scrambled mess. You know those game we now play on face book and forget about our blogs. I know some of you don't play and which is a good thing as Martha Stewart would say.
To be quite honest I couldn't hold on a conversation on any of my game I play on line. Couldn't tell on which level I'm at. How my crops doing, when things are to be served, Or how to get a mate. No I'm not looking for a real one.
Confession time...Some time I just need to escape into a make believe world which is free

I haven't motate a ship around in this life time. I was going to tell you I was one of those on Titanic but it sure didn't have much fate of good,
But I have to say it seem like I was moving a ocean liner driving my son Sawyer diesel F250. His cousin Sam and he move snow not last year but the year before.
I heard the pacific ocean was cooler and I we are in for wet winter. Which could mean rain or snow.
I sure don't want to make it habit driving his truck at $3.25 a gallon for diesel.
I was having trouble with the transmission on my Mazda it has plenty of miles on it. But I thought it would last a little longer then this but I let Sawyer use it and the transmission is pretty well shot.
But it seems that Sawyer is hard on rigs.

I'm taking part in “Lets talk about it” at our local library. We are now reading a book called Graceland
I haven't yet finish the book. But in one line sentence “It's about a teenage boy from Nigeria who watches American cinema and
that's his conclusion of how we live in United States” I'm actual enjoying the book.
One of my friend Susan when she was married her ex husband was in the Air Force station in Spain and the people of Spain had the ideal that Dallas the TV show represent the life style of most people in the United States.
I find this humorful.
. Statement time...I just want to slap these people up on side of my head Who believe that all Muslim are terrorist, all Homosexuals are pedophiles, Black people are all criminals, people who join or have concern about social justice don't believe in a Christen God (Ah Ha)

I almost complete the sit up, squats, and push up I been doing. Plus been doing the tread mill. I'm still working on gainiug more energy, weight lost, toning up, and better look on life

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