Sunday, October 03, 2010

Beating It With a Different Stick

Haven't real gave a fair stick at my other client Murphette and the things that bothers me. confession time....I at time can say I tried doing the same thing more, then let say more then once but less then five times
“Insanity is doing the same thing and hoping for a different result”
Well not saying Murphette is a nut case or even close. But I see her doing the same thing over and over and wondering why she gets in same pickles.
The way she runs her house budget is a nightmare. I know her cash income is about $1125 a month and 3 people lives on that. Plus I thinks she get right around 300 in food stamps.
I don't know how many credit card she owes out. But get this she plays six dollars a week in power ball tickets. I recall ones she was broke and she gave me a credit card and went and bought her self lottery tickets. One knows the odds of collecting from a state own lottery.
Then her other gambling habit is “Pogo” oh I know it not much but on her budget what she owes out she really can't afford it.
I know she could get some of her bills lowered. She pays $50 a month on internet and there company that offers it at lower rate.
Plus she has satellite television.
I believe she confuses between a Need and Want
The her diet I find is just in most part “awful” a lot pre package foods and diet Pepsi. Her daughter and I gave her proof that aspartame is terrible in so many ways.
If her diet was much different she wouldn't be having such issues of health related.
But I have to say she did try to switch to regular Pepsi. But couldn't handle the taste. And went back on diet Pepsi.
Well I said “ You did try and at later date maybe we can try mixing them.
Quenella and I are going to pay she her tops membership of $26 a year and that will split in half. Quenella said she will pay she her dues of .50¢ a meeting.
She responsible for the weigh gain dues of a dime.
Is she over weight not bad she big bones and I have to say TOPS takes that inconsideration we all not built to be Barbies.
Feeling time...I feel like I'm a nag with her at times So with TOPS support she will be in more support and positive light hopefully she learns something about nutation

Oh hell it drives me nut when Murphette gets into her self pity act

Oh don't worry I find most of human race irradiating for the most part. Even my own relationship, friends and my self

My hubby so far only has one trait of my mom that drives me nuts. Oh I'll wait but if it seem like I'm picking on Donna and Murphette. I really do care but doing my jobs does take toll on a person. A least I don't have DOC he has my first client and dirty old man. Get this he tried to get medicaid to pay for the girls to do sexual favors. The guy lived well into his 100
One we call “Evil Pam”

1 comment:

  1. I Am visiting you today from Pea's seeing your with a blue Heeler your daisy was wonderful.......seeing as we mourn the loss of our darling makita at the moment also a blue Heeler.....good wishes to you from here in Australia. Lee-ann


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