Saturday, October 23, 2010

photo Hunt (Orange)

I could swear we did Orange for photo hunt. I had a picture of Union Pacific train engine.
But I'm always surprise how much orange is round me. One thing or should say two things I wouldn't show up to a Halloween party would be a pumpkin or a daffodil. Most orange or yellow color isn't all that becoming on me.
I took this picture when Murphy and I got back from a wood gathering trip. It took me by surprise the brightness of devil red berries. (Not poisoners) During the cooler months birds arrive by numbers and feast until what would be a drunken stooped.
Not many orange leaves around here. It seem actual most of them over kill with yellow. But I have to say the orange leaves on the tree adds a little charm.
But once the leaves leaves the birds have easier time eating these apples

It did come the book I order from Amazon Autobiography of Mark Twain at this point it looks like a book I surly injoy. It been said he was the first blogger.
But right now I'm trying to read Space-Between-Us
I think anything could be made in a blog. It claim that Justin Hall is the first blogger. To use the net. At first I didn't have a clue what to post. It took me a while to figure it out and I was posting all the time. Now I don't post all the time but trying to have balance in one life isn't easy. If it was I would have it figured out long ago.
It looks like Justin still does his blog
I can't tell about the other book I order. There going to be Christmas Present mainly to friends.

1 comment:

  1. Nice picture. That is a true fact there is alot of orange around us this time a year. The trees are so beautiful. I am always so sorry they don't last too long.

    I love reading Mark Twain's quotes. I always wanted to see the one man show by Hal Holbrook. It was way to pricey for us when he was at Northern Quest. I bet it is a great book.

    Have a nice Sunday. 1 week till Halloween.


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