Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A Call Out

Good news my brother in law Earl got married over last week end to Rita. Statement time...I wish them the best
I actual like his 2 ex wives.

My niece Quincy is having hand surgery. She had it posted on social net work face book. Confession time..I was a self center person she having surgery done to her hand. I complain about possible being stress out at work.
I even ask my hubby to shot me in the foot so I wouldn't have to deal with Donna because her praise and worship. But it actual went smoothy and I don't feel like I was drag though the ringer

My Aunt Fanny has pancreatic cancer
she will be 89 on 1st of November she was married to my Uncle Ned (Bossco)
she isn't going to do chemo. Statement time...I wonder about how we deal with the sick in our country well I could post and post on this subject.
I never new much about Aunt Fanny. Her and my uncle met though corresponding with each other. I know they been married to each other for years.
But as a child I never thought much of it. I'll call them my Uncle in-law and Aunt in-law. Those who becomes your Uncle and Aunt by marriage when they marry one of parents sibling.
All of my Uncle and Aunts spouses I met some of there relatives.
But I never saw or met any of my Aunt Fanny blood relationship. At her husband grave side service I saw her sister for the first time.
It dawn on me it that it was strange not to met any of her family.
I ask a little bit about Fanny family and made a comment about how I met my other Uncle and Aunt in-laws blood superlatives but not hers.
Well what I gather that Fanny parents wrote out will and left Fanny in charge years ago with no instruction how it was to be or not be divided up.
Well I guess nothing got divided up and caused hard ship and bitterness. That actual no one spoke to her or Uncle Bossco.

1 comment:

  1. Several weeks ago I attended a family party where a lot of my Aunt's in-laws were there. Some of them I had met before (I actually babysat for one of the couples) but most, my aunt didn't even know.


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Today Is Friday, March 7, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 Been slowly getting things straighten out. Today I went and gather up all the paper that I don't need floating about. Like my social se...