Saturday, October 02, 2010

It's A Relief

It may seem strange but I like slice cheese and ketchup together. To me it has comfort to it.

Well I took a week off from Donna. I was so burn out being her personal care giver. I have trouble with her queen bee attitude thats only happen when her prasie and worship ladies are about to make there day bu. Confession time...I have trouble with narrow minded people and Donna is very narrow minded I been with Donna for 3 years. At this she get 15 hours a week. Her review is I believe in May. Not meaning to brag but I might as well give the devil it do. I do a good job and I see her improving

So I been working on my mental health so I got back on the tread mill one of my I believe first cousin once remove is doing working on two hundred sit ups some time ago I was trying to do 100 push ups I notice there one for two hundred squats I never did the pretest. I let my self go. So It buttom for me.
I know physical exercise helps with the mood swings.

Well a friend of our which Murphy new before he stop by for a visit. Oh I better say who stop by “Fynn” at this time he lives in Priest River with his wife Judy who works for Bonner County. Fynn worked for the United States Forrest Service but is retired.
I have to say it was relieve to have conversation with someone who isn't so narrow minded on spiritual matters or anything else. He even read the Qur'an. I've seen and read a few passages from it and the few I read it was similar to bible.

We where planning to go on Sunday to visit Fynn and his wife. But it looks like things may change. Murphy is heading back to work. I guess there behind in pruning the trees at nursury.
If everything goes as plan Sawyer and some of his friends are coming up to the fall mud bog out on the Moyie River road.
But then I'm hoping that he and his friend can help me for a few moments
My sons is going to help me move her desk over and sit her up much better so she get her feet up at times. I have trouble with swallon ankles but nothing like hers.
Opinion time..If she ate better I know darn well she would feel much better. So Quenella and I are spilt her membership of $26 a year for TOPS and Quenella will pick up her dues of .50 ¢ a week. But Murphette is responsible for her .10¢ a pound which she gains.
I learn so much at TOPS

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