Fall has came and our oldest Son Sawyer turn 22 years old this year the first day after the fall equinox. Most people says he looks like me.
I'm real proud of him actual both of our sons. Both of hard workers, and responsible people. They both got our common sense.

With work and not knowing the future we put in a much to large of garden. I didn't expect Murphy to go hack to work. But he ended up.
So the garden went to way side. We did get some harvest off of it. Even considering the cool summer we had.
I have to say I'm not sure what we will do next year when it comes to the garden. I know if I have the same hours it will be smaller.
My job takes a tole on you emotionally
I been having my blog printed off from company called blog to print just recently I send in an order, fourth book. This book which I place an order will be from June 22, 2007 until September 30, 2007
Confession time...This is one of my hardest issue for me to print. In this issue because of the death of our nephew. It been 3 years ago it still bothers me and I strongly believe my hubby I try to get them printed up each quarter. The next one I'll be ordering is Oct 1 until the first day of winter in 2007. I will be placing the order around yule season.
Get this...About month or two. La Walla stop over at Donna and I sat down for a short break to gather my thoughts. I'm hard worker and try to achieve a good job when I'm at work.
Donna had the nerve to say “Remember your on the clock” So it pissed off La Walla and she told a few other people about how Donna is treating me. Statement time...It actual pissed me off also
Anyhow she act like this home care is coming out of her own pocket.
The only reason I stay there now. I believe she want to loose the weight and become less depending on others.
But there someday she says thing and do things she really like being depend on someone else. Then other time I think she wants to be more on her own.
I believe her review is in May. If she loose the weight and cut back on Medicaid. I'm guessing there will be her hours cut back from 15 hours. I'm guessing her new hours will be between 13.5 and 12.0 hours weekly
She still would have quite a bit of weight to loose and she using the HCG diet and it will take a least 3 years of this diet to get down so she will not have her weight as an issue for disability
Because of other health issue and bad knees. I believe she will be able to keep her hours between 5 and 8 hours weekly.
Before she said “Remember your on the clock” One day she was talking about loosing the weight and having to loose her SSI benefit.
She was talking about of loosing her SSI which is her only income and it would be scarey to loose one income. Not sure what kinda benefits she can get with regular social security
But when she said “I don't want to do a job I don't like” I thought to self “What the hell! What makes you so special ...I'm doing a job now I don't like”
Then on Monday I called in sick which I hardly ever do. She was wondering if she was going to get her hours in.
She said a prayer for me and I wondering if the reason she said the prayer so I could get better and be her servant.
But I been told she treat me the best of all of her care givers.
Opinion time...sure there been moments but in general I really don't have that much to complaint about
I've seen a lot worst ones.

I was taking a brief look around the place to see what kind of changes are happening the main thing I notice for Mabon season is the days are becoming shorter. It been a wet this September so far we have just a hair under 4 inches (10.1)
But I don't know because of all the rain this year but there a lot of mushroom. Saw a few shaggy mane mushroom but yet haven't picked any and there ok to use fresh but not a keeper.
Now for leaves turn color most of them are green and strongly attach to the tree branches.
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