Saturday, September 25, 2010

Which or What Should One Do

Confession time....I feel guilty of being such a pain to others. Being angry over several different feeling once again.
Let me tell you and hope I can make a clear dessissions on what I'll be doing or should be doing about my work with Donna

Let just start and it wasn't direct at me but it bothered me when Donna said “It's about time Jon get the carpert clean.” Then she add “before my guess arives”
Then let up date to friday.

I was cleaning the bathroom which I haven't clean in while and so I had no trouble doing this. There was about an inch from the top and I over looked it. Not just like she going to run out.
She went into the bathroom and said “You didn't finish the bathroom you didn't fill up the soap dispenser, the ladies will see it”

I don't know why this happen but Donna but takes on this other nasty side I call the “Queen Bee sitting on her throne”
it only seem to happen when she about to host praise and worship the there a 95% chance I really feel like quiting and this only once a month.
Confession time... I thought of falling down the stairs and try to injury my self. But I'm afried that I may injury my self so bad. Plus I'm to much of a cheap skate to do it
But when it not time for the praise and worsip gathering she really is actual right down kind heart it perosn and there only a 20% chance to quite. Let me say there a lot worst out there.
Confession time...There places I go I complain to others about Donna driving me nuts. I tell anyone where I can get a away with it. Which I know I shouldn't be doing it. Plus it's not fair to them either

Then on the flip side of the coin. Since she start doing so much better. Looseing weight a fairly rapid pace. On her first round she lost I believe she lost 40 pounds in six weeks.
Plus just resently she been doing the HCG shots and back on the very low calorie diet. I can see where once again she is shrinking in size.
One morning she and I was having a cup of coffee. She was in her underies with her bedding covering up part of her lap but some of her was exposed.
Actual her underware was loose which I haven't seen before.
Now she has this physical therpist who been a mirlce worker. When she began she couldn't no how even take a step up but now her physical therapist got her to step up on her re bounder a smaller trampoline.
So at this time. I really see her making gain but I worry that if I quite she won't continue with her diet protocol if I don't stay.

I don't know if I need to quit; want to quite.
Confession time...I got turn into a collection agency though Kaniksu Health Services I know darn well they been paid.
But I'm so beat and torn up that there suggest a mess in so many area in my life I can't prove. If one took a look at the way I fill things one could see. I paid this bill and the easier way to take care of it is to pay it again.
In short of thing I just don't have the ump to stand up to them.
The point at this time if I stay on my job. I don't have the energy to do anything because I'm so drain.
Then if I quite I won't have the income to do anything.
So either way it a loose/loose situation

There was a little bit to do on the Garage/shed. The back side which is the north side we had to finish up the upper part. We even add a second coat but Bart put on first coat this summer.
statement time...Murphy and I accomplish something which I rarely feel I know the trim needs to be done which will be a dark green. The opposite way our home is painted

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