It was a good change of pace going up on Myrtle and got a load of firewood. Larch that is! I feel like I been on mental vacation. It was damp and misty actual warm or least not leaning toward cold and wet. I was even wishing for snow flake or two. So I stuck out my tongue and made believe for few minute it was snowing
Short time ago Sawyer and his cousin Sam came up and did some brush clearing around deep creek. Murphy sister Susan and her husband Jon bought some property out in Naples. Which is Sam mom.
Sawyer bought Husky chain saw anther words, “Husqvarna
Well I knew Sawyer said he put his saw in back of our Toyota pick so his dad could use it but I forgot.
I notice Murphy was busy cutting the logs into firewood length which is about 18 inches (45.7 Cm) long that would fit into our wood stove about 18 inches.
I say to Murphy “When did you get that Husky saw” He says “oh I just picked it up few days ago” Then I replied “Ok” But I forgot he bent his other bar on the chain saw and it had to be replace and they stuck a husky bar on it.
I was well over 80% sure that Sawyer chain saw had a bigger bar on it Yes it look like Sawyer bar on his saw is 24 inches (96.7 cm) and his dads is only 18 inches.(45.7 cm).
Well the firewood gathering actual went smoothly compare to some of our firewood adventure. We even had to pull a few trees over with a rope. The big yellow rope broke by the knot of tie off. So I may thinking of getting hubby anther big 2 inch (5.8 Cm) width of rope of Christmas present.
Well it went good and we did get a nice load of firewood for this winter
But of the way down Murphy drove and we had to put the heavy plastic basket on passenger side on the floor. It actual put me in lazy boy chair position.
I decide to smoke a little weed with Murphy. I usual don't smoke every hardly. I really don't mind smoking when I'm in a good mood. Statement time...I don't see how anyone want to drink alcohol, or smoke pot on daily bases
On the way up we say 2 mule bucks a spike and 2 by 2. Then on the way out around the same place we say two mule deers. So yes I had a day of joy brought to you by the mountains.
Looks like a well day spent all around...firewood, good company...and mule deer. Not to mention the beautiful country!!