Sunday, August 15, 2010

weather report (July 2010)

The hottest day in July was the 8th at 98 (36.6)
The coldest day in July was tied 13 and 14th (1.2)
Average high for the month was 84.5 (29.1)
Average low for the month was 44.2 (6.7)
For rain there was a few clouds burst of rain.
On the average it looks like July of 2010 is 10 degrees cooler then last July 2009


  1. Here in New Zealand, in the Southern Hemisphere, it is the reversed of you. My husband just read that July had the ave coldest month. But I feel August is the coldest.

    Our summer don't get as warm as you. always in the 20s.

  2. it was a hot one also up here in Southern Ontario, and August isn't much better!!

    Actually I don't mind the heat, it's the humidity that drains me.

    Gill in Canada


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