Saturday, August 21, 2010

photohunt (numerical)

Once again I took part in photo hunt this week theme is Numerical So darn the heat hubby and I took a drive up to ball creek which is about one hour from our home. Last week it got up into the upper 80's and lower 90's so we sock our feet and watch the creek flow.
We stayed there until the sun is pretty well in the west and starting to set.
I bet some of you are wondering how this have any thing to do with numerical. Ok I'll give you some number the sun orb to me is up in the sky for about 13 ½ hours. I gave how hot it been the upper 80's and lower 90's. Look there 4 feet and 20 toes


  1. Anonymous10:04 AM

    nice looking feet there. Great take on numerical!

  2. Could do with some of that heat - it's damp and chilly here!

  3. That looks so refreshing! My feet wouldn't look so pretty with all my bunions. LOL


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