Saturday, May 22, 2010

How Can Spend Like This

As Murphy and I was in town doing our errands. We stop at one of our local thrift store which I knew there was a prelactor coffee pot both Murphy and I favor coffee in prelactor more then a drip pot.
So we picked up this prelactor for $8.99 and usual they sell retail for $40 to $60 depending on the size. I guess they go from and 4 to and 8 cup and this the 8 cup size.

As we were doing errands. We stop at Faith and let her try some goat milk. Her youngest Grandson Naday like it. The rest of her grandkids didn't care for it.
Both Murphy, his sister Faith is having there 40 year class reunion. Faith is letting them hold it at her bed and breakfast. So it costing us $45 for a couple. Faith daughter Quincy is having her 20 year reunion and there charging them $60 a person. I understand one day there going to go golf which I don't know if that including in the cost or not. Plus there having a dance and dinner. But there having a picinic for the classmate and the kids which cost them $15 a child.
I find this pricing pulling on what pocket strings quite hard. Murphy and I both came to the same conclusion if his class reunion cost like Quincy we wouldn't be going.

Well our bath towells are looking pretty thin. I need new ones and threw my points and this time my bank rewards I should get my towels for free. I got four bath towells for free when K-mart in sandpoint was going out. We did pick some up one time at wal mart and that was a while ago.


  1. When I was in Texas my friend still had a Percolator and u are right the coffee was wonderful.

  2. I forgot about percolators! I would think the coffee would be so much better tasting from one. Kudos to you on finding one at such a great price.


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Today Is Friday, January 17, 2025: This Is What Happened.

I finished another set of artist trading cards. I did a set of fish, with one that isn't a fish. Soon, I will post them on ARTIST TRADIN...