Saturday, May 08, 2010

Going On About Life

It been a struggle for me being off of my Rx for my anixity and depression. There a few moments though the day that I will come of the depression.
I try to keep my self busy. But work wares on me.
So one thing I like to do is plant things. So as BTC leaving our our they gave the custmers here a pack of for get me not flowers and I stuck them in the hodge podge flower bed.

I ran into my sister in law Faith in the down town Safeway parking lot. She not thrilled like most people here that BTC left and Safeway is now the only store in Bonners Ferry. They charge outrages prices. I haven't yet heard anyone being thrilled about the prices.

So Froday the 7th I took my friend Quenella shopping and doing her errands. Today I took her to my biofeed back and to meet Donna and she really like Donna and real could connect with her joy.
But now I was wonder if I said something I should of. You see both of these lady experence still born children. I try have empathey toward others even if I haven't experence something. Donna gave birth to a still born. Quenella daugher Eva when she was 15 or so got pregnut and had to give birth to a still born child. Both share the pain and suffering with me. I said something like. “I'm sorry the pain you experence but I kmow some one else who expernce the pain. I try not to hurt other people I try to be loving person of all of AH-HA children

We went to one thrift store I tried on 3 tops only one fit me, got some card to keep for special things such as birthday. Cards are outrages in price. I got mother of peral type necklace. And shelves!!!
Then we ran up to Sharrons and had some clam chowders for lunch and then my biofeed back.
Victoria could see I has under stress.Feeling time...I feel like I'm on emontial roller coaster and I'm unsure of my self at this and the energy around me So I'm trying to even out the roller coaster ride

1 comment:

  1. I hope the biofeedback helps, I heard some good things about it.


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Today Is Friday, January 17, 2025: This Is What Happened.

I finished another set of artist trading cards. I did a set of fish, with one that isn't a fish. Soon, I will post them on ARTIST TRADIN...