Monday, April 12, 2010

Missing Out

One thing about working. I don't do any type of gardening. But yesterday I had chance to plant few item with my hubby. We plant 30 strawberry plant and a rhubarb plant that I got from my sister in law Faith. But before that we went up and visit Quenelle and I got a yellow rose which went in the royal sunshine bed and the other chunk went into the hodgepodge bed but that on kinda of fell part.

Today the 12 of May Murphy planted some onion a quart of them and planted peas

This is dream I was in our dining room leaning over the counter that divides the kitchen and dinning room. No one call me but some how something died or was going to die on May 6 or 7th. I tried to find out who but everyone was alive I knew.
So who know what this means. But my mom died I believe was on of those date and other people has too. But they're days I feel like my transmission car and front end is acting up part of the time and it on the way out

My son Bart is planting tree for Sandpoint ranch part time and going to school on Tuesday and Thursday. Now for my older son Sawyer I haven't heard form him but he stop shortly before Easter he was going to a wedding and this wedding was on a Monday.

I was reading my coffee pals the blogs I visit and came across this give away a hand blender for more detail please visit Fivestar foodie

I start doing genealogy and I been putting in info at My genealogy and I Just finish doing a list of my great grand parents Elisha and Cynthia Brunson McCalmant they had 14 kids. Although all of them didn't make it to adulthood

On the top roll 2nd one from the left was my grandpa Edgar.

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