Tuesday, April 20, 2010

EveryThing Works Out As It Should

Went to the Gardenia Center and I have to say it wasn't the most inspire service but yet a little inspiration of love is better then none. It was kind of mix theme. The music and hymnals lean toward earth. Since Earth day is coming up. The inspiration was one one lineage of your past lives and the main speaker was of how every things work out in a divine way

Things are really coming around in the gardens. Both my tulips and grape hyacinths
are showing some buds. This afternoon Murphy and I went over to Faith and dug out some raspberries so now we have 8 raspberries. Plus she gave me anther bush. Most place it called it a “February bush” but around here it called a “March bush”
As I did two client Donna and Muphette. So good hubby plant some more of the garden like carrots, beets, and radishes. Oh there a few broccoli plant that Faith gave me. There something soothing of getting your hands in soil. Maybe I'll go out plant them.

This is a dream I had the other night. I for some reason going to recure this dog which was some type of spaniel. For some reason the girl who was holding it hostage and was planning to put the dog down. Because she thought the dog need to be put down.
This girl who was holding the dog hostage worked at McDonald. She wouldn't hand the dog over. In the middle of McDonald lobby her and I got in fist fight. Don't ask me where this came from put I sprayed her in the face with a shower hose. I got up and told my son Bart to pull the key switch to his car and we where off with some note in my hand. As we where running I woke up. So I don't if I was running to or away from something. Or what the note said or didn't say

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