Sunday, April 25, 2010

It Was Rough Ride

A short time ago I decided to stop taking my anxiety medicine. Which now I'm wondering why I did. The panic attacks a back. It seems like every so often I'm plagued with something terrible is happening.
Yesterday Murphy boss called and I was on the computer. And with just dial up we have call wave. His boss was wondering where he was. Horrible things starts racing through my mind like he out in field injured or I even came to conclusion that I might be a widow. But a short time later his boss called and explain that he left at about seven in morning with his lunch pail.
His boss thought he didn't show up because the tractor was not moved or something like that. So he figured he was out in field some where. I felt a little better.

Then on Saturday around 7 in the evening once again my hubby haven't showed up. I'm battling in my mind that nothing real bad happen to my hubby. It even upsetting my stomach some what. He drives up to Porthill Idaho which is about 40 miles from our home. I know people who worked out at “Cold Hardy Nursery” for only two hours. Statement time...I don't see the point of driving a 30 to 40 mile drive and make roughly $30 bucks and that before taxes
Well he got home and my panic attacks start to calm down

On Sunday morning the hummingbirds return. Our front window we hang a hummingbird feeder. Took walk around the place to see what new. Didn't notice and real change. But did some yard work like to the buds off of one tree called a Canadian red. So more of the tree energy will be going to the branched. But Murphy and I did a little bit of work in garden st-rightingg out the leeks, pak-choy, andbroccolii, and notice that peas are up now

We went over to celebrate one of my Sister in Law Grand daughter birthday. There was 14 people there. I can't recall everything she got her mom got her a pink bike, we got her a ten dollar bill, and her Uncle Earl and his family got her a DVD and some popcorn.

1 comment:

  1. Panic attacks can be so debilitating...and such a waste of good energy. I am glad your husband was alright. Maybe he needs to be telling you what his plans are so you don't have to worry when someone calls looking for him.



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