Saturday, April 24, 2010

30 Minutes

As one never know what one get done in a day. Murphy went back to work at anther tree nursery and I'm not sure the name of this one but it up by Porthill. Confession time... I wasn't sure if he was going back this year or not.still we still not sure how long

It seem strange doing the house work. Like laundry and for a short time I had trouble with the washer. Mange to get a load of towels and jeans out. Clean the bathrooms sink they was looking pretty groudy. Mop both the kitchen and dinning area. As I was doing up a few dishes from breakfast and lunch I enjoy watching the blue birds. Last year or the year before I believe it was I bought a blue bird house for five dollars and pair move it in.

I did a little planting in the garden got 31 leeks in. One don't need that many leeks not sure how one can store them. I know onion you can. I heard you can freeze leeks but haven't every tried it. Talking about onion the onion are showing now, not all of them.
Faith the lady who I drive around gave me some broccoli and I though they might have been ½ dozen but end up being a dozen.
I know that lot cabbage types brings in certain amount of gardening troubles so I'm place nasturtiums hopeful to have not as much trouble with those white moths
So we will be trying to grow a short roll of pak choy or after it mature one would called it pak-choy

It amazing what a person can get done in 30 minutes. The other day my client Murphette start to say she had trouble having her daughters doing chores. Mostly her daughter Mary just shows her socks around and won't pick up after her self. So I suggest maybe she could rotate their chores but she said it didn't work. I told her that in evening when I have more then one client I set a timer for 20 minutes and clean around the place. She seem interested in this ideal.
Last night I sat the timer on the kitchen stove and got all of this done. Went out to clothes line brought in the rest of clothes fold them, put way the clothes and dishes out of the rack, and a chance to pick up a few things around the place

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