Monday, March 15, 2010

Heart Got a Little Softer

Resently a short time ago I just finish reading and took part in a book discussion group. The book we read was to "Kill A Mockingbird"

I haven never posted about prejuciced or much about it. My dad had some prejudice agaist black people. I can recall when Sammy Davis JR took a white wife and my dad made a statement or something like "That damm coon trying to move on in with us white folks" But I never recall him making a statement like that agaist any other race. The few conversation we every had about any deep meaning of religion or spiritaul matters. He never thought that Christain had the entire market on heaven. He thought all faith even the non christain faith had an equal oppurtunity to achive heaven. Even the Mussluim, Jewish Buddist and etc. But as time went he did soften his heart.

Now for my mom she had some distrust for so called religious people. Confession time...I have to say propley some of her ideal and feelings toward religious people have had some influence on me. But I have seen some not all nice christain is all talking about the blood of christ. So to me this a code word I can cheat and be the most nasty person and cause Jesus died for our sin it "OK" But sense I started to be Donna Caregiver who I at first thought she was one those Christain bleeding from the cross. But I was wrong even if she in to more the evigical movement she seem to be a fair person. Confession time...I was a little on the leary side going to work for her.

Trees 'R Us would let there Mexican works make races remarks to the white works and call them. "White Guys" and "Niggers" and this was towards my hubby and a friend of ours. The other white men who works for this place had some run in with the law for ilegel sex acts. So my husband and our friend got fired for complain to the boss about it and the rest of the crew is there to best of my knowlege. So my hubby I believe is healing but it real had some effect on him

I could go on and on about this but I won’t. There one more thing I would like to point out. Sense 9-11 it seem to be fashionable to have or be prejudice agaist the Arab or Islam people. I heard people lumb them all in to radical or to extremist. Well there nut cases in every group including Christains

I came down with nasty cold I’m treating it with combo of natural and up to date. I been drinking water with baking soda when one got the crud it says your body is to acid. Plus I been also drink hot water with cayene peppers, add a little honey or Karo Syrup.

Hubby some how mess up his thumb nail and he been using Tea tree Oil on it. Statement are such babies The first night after the injury I thought of going in guest room and sleeping on that bed. I wish I had of I don’t think I would have such a nasty cold


  1. I really really try not to judge people based on their back grounds and I try to make friends with all kinds of people, regardless of their background. Yes, there are some "bad" people out there that mess things up for the rest of their ethnic/religious background but they are a minority.


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Today Is Monday, March 3, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 An light day, non stressful. I love days like this. Let see what I done at this point. Went and visit Liz. She looked good, although she is...