Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Not Irish Stew Tonight

Myspace Graphics
Myspace Graphics, St. Patrick's Day Graphics at

I'm trying to get back to my work schudele sense I usual have a 3 day weekend. I have this since infection blowing yellow snot. With raspy lung cough. It been week sense I been this way.

Well on my post about my hubby thumb. His nail want began to swell up so he end going to the doctor. The doctor was total amazed by it all. They had to lance it and let drain. The doctor was amaze by it color. Most puss is yellowish or greenish. Hubby has all strange colors. The doc want him to get it cultured well we had to say "no" because of the cost. Confession time...I wish I was there to watch sound interesting

It seem like mid March the weather real takes a leap up in the tempture like on the 15th the high was 58 (14.4) degrees. And the sun was shining for 10 hours and 35 minutes. But all most daily I check to see if any more is coming up.

As today it St Patricks day. I know Ireland was taken over by a raid of Christain so call to civilize the so called heathens. But I have no ideal what my Irish past family even or came closely behaving like this or not. I been told they're from the black Irish stock. I have no ideal what there behavior was. From what been told they came from the county of Antriem in Northern Ireland. I was planning to have Irish stew but there other meat in the fridge that needs to be use up. So maybe for the celbration of spring we can do up some Irish stew

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