Thursday, February 25, 2010

No Way Yes Way

I haven’t been blogging. Hubby had a grip that I was spending to much time on the computer. So I’m limiting my self to one to two hours a day. But his grip of me being on the computer was practical. One of my second cousin was spending a lot of time on face book and forgot that any one even was breathing. I guess her hubby got piss threw the computer. She loaded up the rv and went to her parents place.
I don’t know if any of their problem are being over blown. But her grandmother my Aunt Bea ask to keep them in your prayers. Also one of her grandson who also having marriage troubles

Bart is coming up for the weekend. He looking for a place to pick up different residence. His room mate lost his job and also he wasn’t paid the power bill either. I know Bart hasn’t been there that long. Statement time….I feel Bart or anyone else is splitting rent should be splitting and other housing cost
He has plates on the table to keep going. He has a chance to take over someone else lease the price is right under $225 bucks plus you know power and that kind of stuff.
But the person he taking lease from the other room mate is a female. Bart says he isn’t all that thrilled with her.
But Confession time…I’m a little uncomfortable with either one of my son rooming with a female But I know it’s not my place to stick my nose into there personal life

Last three weigh in at T.O.P.S I gain and one more pound or maybe it three pounds. “Ah.. I don’t want to see that mark”. I thought I was being fairly good.
I haven’t done much in ceramic line. Recently I finish three Christmas ornament.
Murphy been talking mixing up some clay (Slip) and casting some molds. It really don’t look like he will be working much this up coming year. I believe actual the tree nursery only sold one or two loads of trees. We heard of anther nursery only sold about the same amount of trees.
It’s all due to the economy


  1. Roommate issues are the worst. I hope Bart is able to find a good roommate...I'm jealous of the low cost of rent though. I was paying 4 times that, before utilities.

  2. Sounds like life is busy....Roomates...ah yes....they can be challenging....and it's difficult to find this right roomate if there is such a's a lot of give and take..and clear boundaries and discussions prior to moving in on what the costs are and who is responsible for what.

    I hope things work out for your son.

    I also hope that you are still able to spend quality time doing what it is you love to do on the computer. It's all about finding balance. To much of anything is not a good thing and that does go for computers.

    Happy weekend to you!


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