Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Off To

I tired so hard to have a positive weigh in at my Tops meeting. Well I can see why I gain weight the weigh in before this.
But this time I gain two pounds.
My hubby been doing most of the cooking and he doesn’t buy a lot of prepare package food but his choices I feel isn’t the best.
He bought the fattest ground beef and is making casedeas.
Then he will add a little pork sausage.
So I wonder if it my hubby cooking. Might as well blame it on him.
I might say I fell off the wagon but that wouldn’t be a true statement. Statement time…the changing my life style when it comes to my health is on a broken wagon

Well today I did two client one was Faith who isn’t at hard. It was short day and I got a few things at Safeway. Grapes there are at $1.79 a pound.
Plus there super sweet

Then off to do Murphette. The only house work I do there is dishes and I know if I did anymore. It sure wouldn’t benefit the gentleman who is staying there.
Sometime I’ll give more detail what is going on.
But today I took her up to the Jenni Lane apartment and she could request a fair hearing why she getting rejected. And never explain what is wrong with her credit.
Talking to the residential manger he said over the last year. 4 out 5 people who apply for the low-income housing get turn down.
Actual before that we went and turn in the paper work for food stamps.
Then we headed to down town Bonners and finished out the rest of her errands.
First one I needed to go over to our local clerk office and get a copy of her oldest daughter marriage lesion
Our local courthouse isn’t really at all set up for the handicap. One can get into the lower level of the courthouse but I don’t believe any other floors.
Then I had to go over to Safeway again and get her prescriptions.
Opinion time…I find it disgusting how these drug company real empty out ones pockets Her two prescription cost $300 give or take a little bit.
She has Medicaid but still it taking from the taxpayers. They could have Medicaid pick up a generic brand that does the same thing for a whole lot less.
Then my last stop was the post office to get her 10 stamps

Well when we got back the people who does the fair hearing called and explain why they where possible things wrong with Murphette credit.
The three main credit companies what conflicting information.
Question time…Why in the hell didn’t someone say anything. Except you have problems with your credit.
So now she can get this straighten out. I know it anther loop hole to jump throw

Before I went out to work I fix some of my weather report pictures.
Then this evening my son Bart called me up and possibly need to barrow $225 for rent. He got approve for a student loan but it might not be here by rent day

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a very busy day full of errands and the lot....I am glad they were able to figure out the credit situation...let's hope things get resolved sooner rather than later....



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