Saturday, September 05, 2009

Moon Personality

I keep reading that the moon is in the sign of pieces not sure what that means. I know my dad was a Pieces and they was strife between us. If it counts for any thing my sunsign is Aquarius and my raising sign is Pieces.
Only thing I know that my moon is in Leo.
But one thing I do know that the moon been just beautiful.

Oh I need to get copy of on how to take better moon pictures. I seem no to remember. Maybe I’m getting old-timers now

Oh hip hip hip for Quenella she got her driver liason today. She hasn’t drove for more then 20 years.
Once they moved over here form the Washington coast. She let her liason expires and her hubby did all the driving.
But now she has a new type of freedom

We stop at one yard sale and it was one of the better ones this year.

I got and hand oager for fence post digging. But we need the clamp ones

I recall getting comic book and I got these two and I’m giving them to my boys for Christmas.

The last thing I got at yard sale was a frying pan. Paid three bucks for it. I use this type of frying pans at Donna and I just love working with them

I went to one on Alderson lane. I got a master garden hand book for $2.00 but I love to do the classed but it would cost me hundred bucks

I woke up some time around five this morning and no wonder we had such a beautiful sunrise. Coming up over the Parcell mountain range.


  1. Anonymous9:16 PM

    just beautiful photos. I totally agree about the moon lately!

  2. Sounds like a wonderful day. I would love to me a master gardener too.

  3. I enjoy admiring the moon when it's round....


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