Friday, September 18, 2009

Choosing In What To Believe In.

I have been told it not right to do things such as tarot reading. But the only one says this as far as I know is the Christens. But I haven’t every read anything on this personal but I just found out there quite a few verses relating to the subject.
So I decided to link to three different source on the subject. There place in numeral order,
One Two and three
Personal thought…No one can see into the future it all a big puzzle with over 50 % of the piece missing

Well being the first day of a new moon. I decided to do a reading but one can choose what one reads and what one choose to believe.
So I decide to do a reading from the book the family the secret of fundamentalism at the heart of American power
So this is what I decide to read and I can interpret it any way. I may be right or I may be wrong in the interpretation I give it.

One thing I don’t know my leaders of let call the evangelical leaders of the Christen faith

As I got reading this book I start to wonder if these people where evil in the sense the want to control and rape someone thoughts and mainly there free will. I don’t think very many people are right down evil.
I believe we may not make or did the right choice in life.
But was it evil NO
Confession time …I’m one who make snide comment about converting one to being as the same I never could see how one could be converted to one certain thinking toward life or spirit.
Aren’t we all different in so many ways? Some may choose to have other tell them what they need to believe or think.
I hear people say they been converted to _______. One can fill in the blanks as they feel needed.
Opinion me if people who feel they are converted real wants or needs someone or something to control there thoughts
What I choose to get out of reading is from my own freethinking. Do I question what I’m reading the answer would be “yes”

I just had to look up what the new moon is going into. Virgo

1 comment:

  1. I believe in the freedom of choice. You are right to think and do as you feel is right for you. I can not give over to control. And let others tell me what is right and wrong. As I know what is best for me. That is why I do not publicly tell many people my opinions.
    Really know one knows what is the truth till we pass on.


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