Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A Beautiful Fall Begining

It doesn’t matter how you address the chance of the season. By the calendar we’re leaving summer which been hot.
It seems that the autumn season around here been just great. Most of our leaves are still green but there slowly changing.
Not sure exactly when the sun arose over the parcel I would guess about 6:40 this morning and the sun went down behind the Selkirk around 5:50 this evening. So the sun brightly shine down for 11 hours and 10 minutes.

This year along the fence line of the garden we grew Sunflower which I been please how there doing.
The garden fence is 8 foot in the back and the sunflowers are well about that at I would say 12 feet and heavy with seeds.
Most of the head is well over a foot in diameter.
Not sure when we will be harvesting sunflower seeds.

The pumpkins in the garden are mostly a bright orange, which would make a wonderful Jack lantern this Halloween.
There all about the same size I would guess around 20 pounds. But it seems it about fifty- fifty in the shape half of them our round the other half is oval.
Pumpkin for a winter squash is ok but they’re other variety I prefer more then others. But a least some use will be given to these pumpkins for eating the meat and the seeds.
Plus someone can make a Jack O Lantern


  1. you know what, i haven't seen a sunflower and a pumpkin in my life. saw them in pictures but never in real life... yet. =(

  2. How fun!
    A few years ago I was at a plant nursery & they'd planted black & orange pansies in pumpkins - a fun thing to do rather than 'jack-o-lanterns' - & you can plant them, pumpkin and all at the end of the season!
    The Mandan & Hidatsa indians grew corn, squash, beans & sunflowers (small seeded for oil, larger for eating) & the book Buffalo Bird Woman's Garden give a lot of their farming practices. They lived on the same land for > 1000 years, not being nomadic! (lived close to the Souix who were nomads)
    stop by for some tea :)

  3. I have tried over and over to grow a sunflower plant. No luck so far. Thanks for the comment on my blog at The Pond.

  4. Happy Mabon Dora. It will start looking like fall here pretty soon. They say temps are to dip into the 50's this week. Great time to pull out the boots and sweaters. Its been fun seeing you on FB and thanks for the Halloween treats.

  5. Lovely photos - very rich and full of autumn colour.


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