Friday, July 17, 2009

Property Taxes In Boundary County

Resent I was in the old south hill saw shop which is now divided in to two business. One is a place that they sell cell phones.
The other place is a stove shop as in wood stoves.
On bulletin board was flyer thing about someone running for a county commissioner here. Her name is Donna Capurso who is running for a county commissioner here.
I wonder if her blog will hinder or help her get elected.
I have to say she getting an early start on her campaign. This could get her name out or a chance for her to put her foot in her mouth.
So far her blog talks about” property taxes” and “public lands” which there time to let other know how one may stand on other issues.

To me it seem like anytime the issue of “property tax “ is brought up when the school dist here is running an M.O or a bond.
Then it seem like that’s the only time one will rant and rave about the issues of property tax here.

I only seen one time that the issue of percentage one pays out in tax on there property.
I like to point out the timber companies which are trade on the market. Pays pennies on there timber land compare to someone like me.
If some one has over 10 acres here pays a smaller percentage per acre then some one with even nine acres. Our property taxes is base on a progressive taxes. Opinion time…I have no trouble with progressive taxes. But it needs to be fair for all and this sure isn’t fair

How does one come up with fair property taxes. They say it on value of something. What is value of something? I would say the value is what one willing to pay for something.
I value a bargain. When shopping I search the sale adds research the item I wish to buy and get it for that price.
Sure I take in quality in to a count.
I know this couldn’t be done on property taxes.

But maybe it time to think about taxing the land so much a square foot for all. Including the timber industries.
Even the people with smaller lots at the same rate

Now for buildings. I know once we lived in a mobile home and our property taxes was quite high compare to the value of our home.
Now we live in 1200 square foot home with a basement and we now pay a smaller percentage of property tax on what we live in now

Opinion time…I think people who has a trash yard should be find on there property assessment

I’m not talking about a few things left out in the yard.
The yard I’m talking about it would take 3 or more pick up to clean it up.

As this is early in election here. I tend to lean toward the liberal side of life. Some may even put me in the ranking of a red or pinko Not saying that I haven’t cross over to some candidate.
But here if one want to get elected one would be best to but on rightly tightly undies.

Those who interested in reading about property tax please property taxes


  1. Every place does taxes diffrent. In St. Louis I was paying over 2000 my first year then The rezoned me to residential and tax went to 900. It is 1800 now. And I only pat $230.00 for the same amount of house and yard in the country. And the 6 acr farm is only 359 a year. So I like the country tax beter. We have a higher sales tax on purchases though.

  2. I don't know if there sale tax on sale of property here or not.
    But we pay 6% here on sale tax including food.


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