Tuesday, July 14, 2009

No Big News In My Neck of the woods.

Well I have to admit I had mix feeling about just taking a week or so off the computer.
I learn something about my self I don’t need to blog almost on a daily bases.
I can live with the computer but it handy item.
I also don’t need to be on some type of social net working site.

If someone ask me what I been doing I have to say “not much really”
But I list 5 things I done as I haven’t been blogging

1. I have been trying to line up anther client. She is about 53 years old and has some crippling joints.
2. I decided to call this economic period “the grand depression” we all ready been though the great depression.
3. Finish two ceramic projects.
4. Got some new clothes from the thrift store because I have been loosing weight.
5. Still trying to do better on time management.

So real not much excitement in my life which I give thanks for my uneventful life


  1. Thats great you lost weight and I found it. HEHEHE. I have gained 4 pounds since the sinus surgery in may. I am glad you accomplished a bit. I love ceramics. I have not done them since 83 so I am out of practice. I started a hypertufa project. It is quite fun too. I have some info on my garden blog. I am making a bird bath with a solar light. The rain has kept me from doing the base. As I do not have an indoor place to work on it.
    Have a great week.

  2. Sometimes I need to take a break form the computer too - it can kind of take over and make me feel tense.

  3. Hi, Peppy!
    Congrads on losing weight - that's awesome! Since I began using *only* coconut oil (or olive oil & occ butter) I've been getting trimmer - yea! Mine is mostly 'over 50 pudge' . . . feeling more energy, & so enjoying summer!

    Stop by for a spot of tea :)

  4. Whoa girl, finished two ceramic projects!! WooHoo!, great on the thrifty stuff! & the blog insight.
    We are all still here that don't blog every day and are interested in you,

  5. congratulations on your weight loss! i have gained weight since december and i'm currently trying to lose it again.


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If you have the need to express your self here and can only use swear words please keep in down to bare minimal.
please leave my blog and no need to come back.
If some reason you can not follow these simple request I will remove your post.
All others are welcome

Today Is Friday, March 7, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 Been slowly getting things straighten out. Today I went and gather up all the paper that I don't need floating about. Like my social se...