Monday, June 15, 2009

A Little Bit Of Life

I haven’t had much time to blog. I don’t think I been extremely busy. As usual I wish I had more energy.
I know jobs can zap a person. Actual this job isn’t all that hard.
I don’t know if I told you about the parasites I have.
Well that what I learn form the biofeedback. I’m doing a parasite cleanse.
Which is made of oregano, clove, woodworm, and black walnut hull. It’s real nasty tasting stuff. So I put it in my green juice with a apple base. And down the hatch it goes.

The batteries are dead my camera and actual they need to be buried. So the garden is doing ok.
It seem this year we have a lot cut worms. They pretty well wiped out the bok choy.
And not sure if there going after the kohlrabi or not.
So I have been putting eggshells around them.
We had two freezes this month at 31.6 ยบ f.
It did some damage but real not that bad. It damages the hot peppers and yellow wax bean the most.
So we sort move things and put in four tom tees how every you spell it. We got them for Marim. Alice’s ex husband.
We were willing to get more plants but it seem he was heavy on the tomatoes.
Trading Company and went out to there green house and they want $2.65 per plant.
So we had to go to bank in Sandpoint and get some money I saved up for property tax and auto insurance.
So one the way back Murphy and I stop in at “Moose Valley nursery” and got some plants.
2 egg plants, dumpling squash, and zucchini.

I was wondering if we going to gather up enough cash to pay the vehicle insurance for 6 months and the 1st half of our property taxes.
It seem like we been struggling with bills since I pretty much empty out most of our checking for federal and state taxes.
I seem to have trouble building up back up our checking account.
Northern lights electrical company will get paid and still have money to buy food

My hubby works with this person who I believe is Narcissi. In nutshell self center person.
So any suggestion how to deal with a person like this?
Plus he been drinking and he is real asshole. I seen him drink and I would use the term “asshole” but when he not he can be all right.
But drinking has nothing to do with his narcissism.

1 comment:

  1. It is best to leave the person alone. Drinking is an illness. And his personality is best left to them self. Unless you are willing to take on a behavior mondifaction.


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