Tuesday, June 16, 2009

5th Century

I did anther section with my Biofeedback. The main thing I was having trouble with is my ears. They were at a 1%
And did the general run though.
Worked on two of my charkas.
The two charka worked on is my third or stomach and third eye
I’m trying to build up my energy.
The other day I got this e-mail by belief net on healing chakra foods
On the subject of past lives regression. I never poo poo it or I had any feeling of any of my past lives.
But the Biofeedback machine says one of my past lives was in the 5th century. I believe the year was 548 AD.
I lived in Europe and I was female. I was some type of counselor.
I’m an old soul
I’m trying to talk my hubby in doing biofeedback. A least one time mainly to see what lacking in his diet.

Remember I said I lost my pay check. “I found it” I was going though my bill file.
So I must have had it in my hand and stuck it in there thinking it was a bill to be paid.
Now I need to call the bookkeeper.
Well I did get hold of bookkeeper and she wasn’t please. I can’t real blame her

I’m still doing tops (taking off pounds sensible) not counting today weight in. The two times before that I gain weight.
But this time I lost a pound and is back to my lows weight since I joined.
I got back doing the treadmill.
Confession time…I haven’t been using much common sense coming to my health


  1. hi...thanks for stopping by octoberfarm! the daylily is an interesting shade of purple with a yellow center. i will take pics when it opens but it is about to and the rains are on the way!

  2. I'm glad you found you cheque...that would have been very distressing....as for the charkra foods....I'm all for eating healthier....and finding out which foods I would benefit from the most was very imformative

  3. So fun seeing this link to the chakra foods! I just attended a talk on brain health, & his focus this week was on eating more antioxident rich food - 'from the rainbow' . . . ties right in, & I added a link to your blog & that article!

    Yes, I can picture you having a middle ages life - I resonate with various times & places - when I began playing harp, I definatly felt I was 're-learning' an old skill!! Much more familiar than the piano I studdied this time around :)

    Glad the biofeedback is proving so helpful! You might consider flower essences to assist in the TPOs process! My friend Molly's Green Hope essences are delightful . . .

  4. How did you find a place with a Biofeedback machine?
    I have tried many things with hubby. He still gains weight. It is his lack of movement I think. Very hard to get him to do any thing. But I read of 2 table spoons of Vinegar with a glass of water for cleanse and health.


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Today Is Friday, January 17, 2025: This Is What Happened.

I finished another set of artist trading cards. I did a set of fish, with one that isn't a fish. Soon, I will post them on ARTIST TRADIN...