Friday, March 27, 2009

12 Secrets (Planning)

I thought I would be looking forward to secret 12 but recently I’m not sure where I want or need to go.
As you can see in my last post called No Oomph

Well I did get my lid cover done and I’m quite please with it. Now I been thinking of casting some mugs and got the molds down which I want to do it in.
But it takes a week for the completion so I can get ready to but them in the kiln. But in mean time I could paint something else but what.

I know planning is great and I at one time made list. Sense I started work I found it hard to do any planning. Or I just don’t know how to.
I work come home and do a few things around here. I’m so thankful sense my hubby is laid off he does the bulk of the home chores around here now.
I still feel like I need to be part of taking care of the place and Murphy will once again go back to tree nursery.

When our boys where in head start they gave us a form how to make out goals and plans and I notice in this secret they have something pretty well the same.
Even part of the head start program they had these preschoolers having a plan book.

I been told if you write a list or a plan out there a higher chance you will complete your goal. Sense I started to work again I haven’t done. Confession time…I haven’t really even tried writing a goal done

I have to say I learn to organize and see the small progress I have made in going toward my goal. No I would like to move at a faster rate but I’m moving

I been slowly moving a long on pillow cases one of the pillow case I got the flowers done and coming along nicely with the other one.


  1. Anonymous11:51 AM

    The lid looks wonderful! So much color and detail-- great work! I love the embroidered pillow case you're working on, its lovely. I have an affection for embroidered pillow cases and kitchen towels. I rec'd some lovely ones back when we got married and they are my favorites.

    I would be lost without my lists! It does help me stay focused, and I get a nice sense of satisfaction seeing things get crossed off. I think list making can be a really useful tool.

  2. Things come in there own time. I've never been a big goal writer, my life never settles into a pattern I can follow! :) Relax into it. Your work seems to be happening at a consistent rate. The lid is just so striking and those delicate pillowcases are lovely.
    Enjoy the weekend!!

  3. Oh, Dora, I just love the lid you made for your dish, it's gorgeous! You are so talented with ceramics and I see that you are also very talented with embroidery as well!! Beautiful!

    I don't often make myself a list because even when I do, I forget to look at it! lol Some days I can get a lot done and other days I just drag along. Maybe if I worked, I'd be better organized having a list but since I'm home, it's just easier to do what I have to or feel up to doing:-) xoxo

  4. I abolutely love your lid! So artistic and pretty. And your pillowcases too! You really have talent.

    I don't make lists. And I'm home all day and still don't get things done. Oh well.

  5. The last two weeks for me have actually been a bit slower for me on the creativity train. I made lists but found I was lucky if I could get one thing done on them. Then all of a sudden, out of the blue, my energy came back! I'm back to my lists and having fun deciding which thing I want to do next.

    You may need to be in a resting period right now. Be warned before too long your creativity will burst out and you'll be in YOUR flow.

  6. The lid and the embroidery are fabulous! I love the delicate purple flowers. Keep on moving sister, and thank you for the coffee :)

    word verification: horizon.

    Blessed be :)

  7. List or no list, the coffee is always
    on and that is what I admire about you.You have come a long way my friend:) Keep on creating!


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