Saturday, March 28, 2009

We're Doing Empty Nest Training

Both Murphy and I been doing spring project not big ones. Our oldest son Sawyer came up and brought the power washer up.
We been want to paint the garage/shop or should Honest time…It needs painting we haven’t decided on a color. Our home is dark green with brown trim.
The barn/shed is red.

Well before we start our spring project Murphy and I went to moving sale at our local fair ground. They had quite a bit of vintage things but didn’t finding anything I was interested in and the items I would been interesting over priced for my pocket book at this time

I had been washing some of the walls in house not many but a few. If you need to know I got three of them done.
I washed the lace curtain from our bedroom and hung them on the clothesline to dry. This is first time this year I use the clothesline.
Wash the rugs from the bathroom but they are in the dyer dying.
Not much like spring weather here but more and more of the snow is going.
As I had to help move the ladder for Murphy so he could get the upper part of the garage/shop. As he was up on a latter I walk around a little and picked up doggie poop from last winter.
I made a rice chicken type of stew for dinner in crock-pot. One thing I real like about crock-pot one can but the things in and forget it

Well Sawyer came up and we and some of his friend went camping out by Hooten Hollow pond. “Yea I know we’re crazy in North Idaho for camping this time of year and the high of the day won’t even get 50”
I told Sawyer that the house will be unlocked.

We are practicing being empty nesters. Our young son Bart right now is on a jet heading to New Orleans with a church group and he will be helping building homes for the Katrina victims.
Bart is staying at Bethlehem Volunteer Center he will be down there for a week


  1. No Oomph at new moon is because the moon is dark. Maybe try to rejuvenate yourself with moonstones. Your pillowcases are pretty. Also great that your son Bart is helping out in New Orleans. What a great experience for him....and for those he is helping.

  2. Spring one day...back to winter the next... I wish I had the energy to spring clean, but, today I just don't. My son is moving back to California tonight, so we will back to being empty nesters again.

    Have a great Sunday.


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Today Is Tuesday, January 21, 2024: This Is What Happened.

Yesterday, Murphy and I finished up the dining room wall. We're both a little sore. Well, I've been a lot sore. I think on Thursday,...