Saturday, December 13, 2008

It Sure a Howling and Toasty Inside.

Brrr it coming straight out of the North old man winter is sure a blowing in the cold.
Or one might say “Cold as Witches tit”

I have been doing Christmas card today. We sent out plenty of them.
I start to worry about I might offend someone if I gave them a card that might be offensive.
To a christen a pagan card “Santa going doing the chimney”
To a non-christen a christen card “ Three Kings”anyhow I have a hang up over the kings.
Statement time…I don’t give rats ass if their offend by the card. If I could afford it I would mail out some Yule Cards

I was going to put one nativity set but I’ll have to get someone to help me and I’m not going to ask Murphy to help me, he been blowing snow out of our drive way.

I got my entire present wrap that is here. I’m expecting two more to arrive on is some pure maple syrup which I’ll be given out our family white elephant gift exchange with a 5 pounds of organic buckwheat pancake mixture.
I had my son Sawyer pick up something from Sears for Bart and he will be bringing them up when he comes.

Well two of my books came the other day and one is called Year of Living Biblically Literally I’m giving this to Donna.
I read a little bit here and there and somewhat found it interesting in a trivial way.
I also receive my book for next chapter which will start Jan 9 2009.
We will be going though 12 secrets of highly Creative Woman.
Still plenty time to sign up. At this point I think there right close to 60.
I did the last one called Soul Journey and wish I bought the book

1 comment:

  1. The Year of Living Biblically is pretty good. I liked it a lot. I gave it to my mother earlier this year.


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Today Is Sunday, January 5, 2025: This Is What Happened.

(Donkey and Cart – 1881 – Place Unknown) I'm clueless why for the last few years. At the start of the New Year. The camera and compu...