Tuesday, November 04, 2008

I Voted

Early in the morning both Murphy and I went down to cast a ballot at Naples School.
It real important to vote it just gets me all out of shape when people don’t vote and thinks they have right to flab their gums

For President I voted for Cynthia Mckinny and Rosa Clemete. I only once voted for a main candidate. Opinion time…I have a real hang up on the two party system
For Senator for me it will be Larry LaRocco.
Reprehensive for me it will be Walt Ninnick.
State Senator for me it will be Shawn Keough (One just running)
State Reprehensive (position A) Steve Elgar
State Reprehensive (position B) Tom Hollingsworth
County Commissioner (dist one) Jerry Pavia
County Commissioner (dist two) John O’Conner
County Sheriff Greg Sprungl
Prosecuting Attorney Jack Douglas (One just running)

We have two issue that I’ll be voting on and I’ll be voting “yes” on both.
One is two add our fire department on the property tax roll.
The other is add $1.00 to our phone bill to help pay for our new 911 system

Now it time for me to make some prediction on the election of 08 my ballot is place in lock box at the Naples School.
Well I believe McCain will get about 100 Electoral votes and Idaho being one of them but he isn’t going to do as well as Dubya did here.
In four years on our next presidential bid their will be more states in play.

Today topic in soul coaching is Clutter This something I real don’t want in my life but some how it shows it ugly self both in the physical and non physical.
Let me say a few words about the physical world of clutter in my life. I’ll have good intension to do a project the most resent one I did was our bedroom closet. Well I got everything out and got rid of the stuff I real didn’t need and it went to the thrift store or to the trash.
Sort out and semi organized and having gone back simple because I don’t have the tools I need to organize what I believe it should look like, so I become frustrated.

This morning an ideal pop into my mind and how it got their on the lord knows. Well I start going to a spiritual group called “common thread” and it was brought up to be more involved in serving the community.
They don’t pass around the collection box but they like each of us to bring a can of food to donate to our local food bank and you can bring other items also to be donate like I know at this time winter clothing.

Well I thought of doing a community meal and my ideal have the different church each week to put a meal out.
I don’t know how this will fly or even if I’ll act on it. I thought of going and talking to ministerial association (group of local minsters) here and bringing up my ideal about the community kitchen but here is my fear being rejected.
The reason is when the Gardenia people went and to meet with the Bonner County ministers they wasn’t welcome mainly their not a Christian Church they are people who goes there of Christian faith and shortly after that vandalism was done to there building and threats were made.
I’m worried about the same thing happening here.

See I feel it would be nice to the community to put on a hot meal once a week and have the local churches do it by rotating though out the churches

But before that I thought of asking the people of the common thread to help a family out during the holiday.
When Bart was a cub scout did sponsor a family and went out to buy present for that family the only thing is to have it balance.
I thought the people who attends the “common thread” doing something like we did in Bart cub.


  1. Here in Canada we've been watching and waiting...it certainly will be interesting to find out the election results later tonight!! No matter who wins, I just hope that they're doing it for the interest of the country and not for their own agenda.

    Doesn't it feel good when you declutter...twice a year I go on a decluttering binge and get rid of so much stuff, it's unbelievable. All I'm keeping are the things that mean a lot to me, especially the old dishes I get at the auctions:-)

    I think it's fabulous idea you have about hosting a community meal once a week...hopefully if you do approach the council, they'll be agreeable to it. It's sad that such offers are sometimes turned away. xoxo

  2. What a loving a generous idea! You are inspirational! :)

  3. Being a Canadian I too have been watching closely the election and as I type this my TV is tuned in to the results.....

    As for the church and giving...that is an awesome idea...I know at work we get a family through Christmas bureau or the likes and make up hampers for the family...the hampers would include food for Christmas day...breakfast, dinner and such...it would also include gifts for each person in the family....I think it's a great idea...why not give..isn't that what Christmas is all about?

    And the hosting a community meal...again a great idea....

  4. What a beautiful idea. I'm sure it would make an important contribution to so many.

  5. Glad to know you voted and that you voted for Cynthia McKinney. I find her to be very inspiring.

    Decluttering is awesome. We go on a twice year purge binge here at Howling Hill: spring and fall.

    The community meal sounds awesome!


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 Been slowly getting things straighten out. Today I went and gather up all the paper that I don't need floating about. Like my social se...